N i n e

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What was once known as 'mingyu's friend group' and 'Wonwoo's friend group' has now morphed into one and was just referred to as their friend group. Even Mingyu and Wonwoo would talk to each other here and there but wonwoo would immediately retract when he felt himself getting comfortable with Mingyu.

"Are you gonna go?" Jun asked Wonwoo a little quietly.

And for some reason, Mingyu knew exactly what they were talking about.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

Jun sighed a little. "He's hot. You should go and see what he wants."

Mingyu gritted his teeth and unknowingly growled a little. He never did like jun. When Wonwoo turned to look at him, they made straight eye contact and no one could move to look away. So they just sat there, staring at each other as if looking away was the biggest crime they could commit. Mingyu's eyes trailed down and that's when Wonwoo looked away. A little taken back.

"Yeah, he is." Wonwoo started talking to jun again. "I'll go, just to see what he wants." He smiled, like he knew exactly what he was doing to Mingyu.

The rest of that week flew by as different plans were made for the weekend by the thirteen friends. Mingyu and wonwoo were still going to the youngers house to work on the project and the elder still stayed for dinner.

Today felt different for some reason, they had followed the same exact routine as the previous days but today as Mingyu looked at wonwoo from across the dinner table. The sight was different. Wonwoo had started laughing at something his grandma had said. Scrunching his nose, throwing his head back and covering his mouth a little to keep the remaining food from flying out. Wonwoo was actually laughing. The same Wonwoo who was incredibly selfish with his even smiles . The sight was different and so was the feeling that flashed in mingyu's heart, but nonetheless both were beautiful.

When Mingyu woke up Friday morning, he felt like absolute shit. He must've been getting sick because he felt like throwing up as soon as his feet touched the tiles leading up to his bathroom. He had debated not going to school but threw that idea out of the window when he remembered the note from wonwoo's pencil bag. Ugh stupid 'R'.

He dragged his feet behind him the entire day and kept his head down. Didnt even have the energy to punch whoever had just bumped into him. He made his way to the bathroom before class started, only to be met with the same person for the third time in the same situation.

Jeon Wonwoo, washing his face.

"Why is it that every time I find you here, you're washing your face?"

"Why do you even care." Wonwoo walked over to grab a paper towel.

"I just wanna make sure you know that you can't wipe all that ugliness off, if that's what you're trying to do."

Ouch Wonwoo winced inward. Another reason not to fall for kim Mingyu.

"That's a method you should try." Wonwoo headed for the door.

"Oh come on, we both know I'm the best looking guy in this school." Mingyu's cockiness stopped Wonwoo at the door.

"Your face might be pretty, but that mouth and those hands of yours that use people as punching bags makes you ugly."

"Pfft. That's what you think." Mingyu did whatever he could not to be effected by his words but he was failing.

As soon as Wonwoo left, Mingyu was reminded of how terrible he felt. It was like in those moments of taking to Wonwoo, he had forgotten how sickly he felt.

Lunch came around quickly due to the fact that Mingyu kept his head down in every class. He noticed a little late that Wonwoo wasn't in his seat at their regular lunch table and that's when he scrambled.

"Where you going?" Seokmin asked him as he got up from their table.

"Bathroom." He replied not bothering to look back.

He walked as fast as he could to the basketball court, thank goodness he already knew where it was. All those hours of cutting class to play basketball was really paying off now.

Mingyu stopped mid thought as he looked around frantically, finally spotting what he was looking for. Wonwoo standing against a tree with a male figure in front of him. He was tall, hovering above Wonwoo and he seemed even more taller than Mingyu, putting a wedge in his confidence already.

Mingyu hid behind one of the walls that were closest to where the other two were, being able to hear their conversation was enough for him.

"You're cute Wonwoo." The boys spoke.

"Thanks rowoon." Wonwoo politely replied.

His name was rowoon. Mingyu etched that into his brain.

"Go out out with me, we're both good looking people so what's stopping us from being good looking together?" Mingyu could hear the smirk in rowoons voice.

"Ah- thank you but-"

"But? I think you meant yes." Rowoon put his hand on the tree, right next to wonwoo's head. Caving him in.

Mingyu was about to go over until he heard Wonwoo speak again. "Actually, I meant no." He started to walk away until rowoon grabbed his hand.

That's when Mingyu had enough.

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