T e n

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As Mingyu strutted across to the cherry blossom tree, ravishing in the fact that he would save Wonwoo in a second, he heard a loud thud.

"I-" rowoon had a hand on his red face as he was slammed against the tree

"Don't touch me." Wonwoo gritted his teeth.

Mingyu stood there not knowing what to do, the other two hadn't even noticed him yet.

"You little b-" rowoon walked towards Wonwoo again, this time the adoration on his face was replaced with rage.

Mingyu charged forward and grabbed rowoon by the collar, backing him up against the tree again.

"Who are you?" Rowoon wiggled and struggled to be released. He must've been new and although he has a few inches on Mingyu, the former was stronger.

"That doesn't matter. From now on, stay away from Wonwoo." Mingyu spat.

He didn't even notice that Wonwoo had started walking away from them. Mingyu gave him one last push before walking away from him, right after Wonwoo.

"I didn't need your help." Wonwoo spoke when Mingyu caught up with him.

"I know." The younger spoke softly.

This took Wonwoo by surprise, he had expected Mingyu to tease him and give him backhanded replies but it seemed like he was actually being somewhat decent.

"Tell me if he bothers you again." Mingyu stopped Wonwoo as they stood in the abandoned hallway.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo looked at him.

He turned around as they now stood face to face, even though there was a little space between them. It felt like this was the closest they had ever stood next to each other, and suddenly they both held their breaths. Letting the feeling of wanting to hold one another even closer sink in, it should've felt like free falling from the sky. Knowing you were going to land on something soft in the end. Instead, it felt like inevitably falling with nowhere to land but the ground. Hard.

Wonwoo snapped out of his trance as he looked away from Mingyu's brown eyes and golden skin, he had seemingly gotten lost in both of those features.

"I can take care of myself." He turned back around.

"I know you can Wonwoo, I just don't wanna- I don't want you to get hurt." Mingyu was slowly putting his heart on the line more easily everytime.

"I've taken a ton of self defense classes." Wonwoo started walking again. "What were you doing out there anyway?"

"I was- going to play basketball." Mingyu nodded off the lie.

Not realizing how much he truly liked it when Wonwoo asked him questions that weren't school related.

When they had reached the cafeteria again and had their table full of friends in their peripheral, Wonwoo hesitantly turned to look at Mingyu before turning back around and whispering a "thank you." As he walked away.

It might've gone unheard by anyone else but not Mingyu, because he heard everything Wonwoo had to say, even when the latter didn't talk.

"Did you just-" Mingyu asked as he followed behind Wonwoo to the table.

"Don't make me take it back." Was the response he got.

They dodged all the questions that were asked by the 11 other boys at their table as they both shook their heads to any questions asked.

Mingyu looked across the table at wonwoo and realized that he wanted him, he wanted to know what it was like to be with him, but for now he also wanted to know what it was like to be his best friend, the closest person to him as he and Jun whispered and giggled together.

Ok so I'm actually curious, should I have a certain day that I update? Cause right now I just update whenever but I Lowkey feel like that's unfair to the readers yk?

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