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Mingyu's hate towards Wonwoo didn't last too long. No matter how much he had wanted it too, it never did.

He couldn't stop thinking about him these days, and it frustrated him so much. What was so special about jeon wonwoo of all people? Mingyu had come to ask himself this exact question way too often and he always found himself answering it. Because, Wonwoo was special. He was one of the only people besides mingyu's friends that weren't scared of him. Wonwoo calling him an asshole only proved that theory. Mingyu ruffled his hair in frustration as he shifted in his seat.

"This is hansol." Wonwoo spoke with a smile, sitting hansol down at his lunch table.

"Hi hansol, I'm Jeonghan." The latter smiled.

"Im seokmin."

"I'm jun."

"I'm hoshi."

"Nice to meet you guys." Hansol smiled.

There wasn't any type of awkwardness around them like he had expected. They were genuinely welcoming and didn't have to pretend like he had thought. He watched as jun constantly tried to push food into wonwoo's mouth only for Wonwoo to put him in a headlock. He noticed Jeonghan swiping fries off of seokmins tray and putting his own vegetables their in return. When Jeonghan had caught his eye, he only laughed and put a finger up to his lips indicating for hansol to shush. Another conversation about hoshi and tigers were brought up but hansol was too busy being grateful to Wonwoo that he didn't quite register it.

"I saw you talking to Mingyu earlier this morning." Jeonghan began as he took kimchi off Jun's tray.

"What about it?" Wonwoo asked in return.

"Are you guys getting along?" The eldest of the group looked up at him.

"We're not acquainted enough too. He doesn't bother me, I just prefer not getting tangled up with him." Wonwoo shrugged.

"I invited seungcheol to sit with us, he might not come today but if he does. Mingyu will probably be there too."

"That's fine." Wonwoo smiled and he looked at hansol to see if it was okay with him as well.

He didn't mind as long as Wonwoo would be there.

"You've got to be kidding me." Mingyu spoke as seungcheol grabbed his tray.

"Shut up. I'm not going to turn Jeonghan down when he asks me to eat lunch with him okay?" Seungcheol sighed. "Let's eat with them next week."

"Whatever." Mingyu nodded.

He had to pretend that he didn't want to eat lunch at wonwoo's table. He had to pretend that his heart didn't betray him and do jumping jacks when his friend had told him they were going to be eating With them. He had to pretend Wonwoo wasn't occupying his mind most of the day.

Mingyu picked up his chopsticks only to be met with the sight of Wonwoo. Across the cafeteria, right in front of him. He looked at how Wonwoo was laughing, actually laughing at something hoshi was saying. Wonwoo was always serious, so seeing such a sight was uncommon. Mingyu noticed how the elders nose scrunched up and wrinkled when he laughed. He found himself smiling at the sight and quickly composed himself again, averting his gaze. Or at least trying too, he only found his attention back on that certain table, tuning out everything seungcheol was saying as he noticed the boy from earlier, the one he had gotten into a fight with. He and Wonwoo seemed close and that made Mingyu angry for some reason. Was Wonwoo now like a shelter for all the people Mingyu would come to hurt?

He snapped out of his thoughts when Wonwoo had suddenly gotten up, walking towards the bathroom now, it was only normal for Mingyu to follow. Right?

And so he did, he got up and headed for the bathrooms as well. Wonwoo was standing in front of the sink, washing his face for some reason. Mingyu watched as the raven haired boy sighed like he was carrying the worlds biggest weight on his shoulder. This only intrigued Mingyu more, what could jeon Wonwoo, the person who seemingly had everything be worried about.

"What are you doing?" Wonwoo's voice was softer than it had been the last time they spoke.

"What do people normally do in the bathroom?" Mingyu asked back.

"Definitely not stare at the other people in there." Wonwoo made his way to Mingyu and he tensed up. Only to realize he was blocking the paper towels.

"So, your new friend." Mingyu continued. "How's his nose?" It was like he couldn't stop saying things that made him seem like a terrible being, in front of the one person who's opinion he actually might care about.

"Stay away from him. He didn't do anything wrong." Wonwoo stopped drying his hands to look at him.

"Ah, I really wish you'd stop acting like such a hero."

"Mingyu." Wonwoo suddenly called out.

To say the younger was surprised would be an understatement, it was one of the first times he ever heard Wonwoo call out his name like that. He shouldn't have felt as happy as he did right now, but that happiness was broken when the other continued.

"We don't know each other like that, so let's not pretend we do. Okay?" Wonwoo started to walk away only for Mingyu to grab his hand and bring him back in front of him.

"Why do you talk to me like that?" He asked. "Like I'm the worst person in the world." Mingyu was genuinely curious now.

"Because to me, you are." Was the reply that caused a pang in mingyu's heart as he let go of wonwoo's arm.

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