E i g h t e e n

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"Wonwoo." Mingyu paused. "What are your plans?"

They had left the cafe and were now headed to hoshi's house.

Wonwoo didn't understand what he was trying to say as he knitted his eyebrows together.

"For tonight I mean. Since everyone is gonna be there and you probably won't be able to fall asleep so what will you do instead?" Mingyu questioned.

"Mm nothing." Wonwoo shrugged. "I'm sure we'll all be awake for a while. Hoshi, seungkwan and seokmin are really hyper when we all get together." Wonwoo chuckled.

"When do you usually fall asleep?" Mingyu was walking on egg shells as he asked these questions.

"Um-" Wonwoo thought for a little bit. "Mostly around 7am, sometimes around 5 if I get lucky." He smiled. "So I usually get an average sleep of about 10 hours a week."

And Mingyu felt this unexplainable urge to hug him because of how happy he looked talking about sleeping for just a mere three hours. It hurt him in the same way it hurt Wonwoo.

"I'll stay awake with you." Mingyu looked so determined.

"No." Wonwoo shook his head. "There no need for that."

"But- I don't want you to be alone..."

"It's nothing different." Wonwoo shrugged as he unknowingly pouted. "And anyways, it's better if I'm the only one awake because dino is a really light sleeper. I don't want him to wake up hearing both of us."

And this was the kind of person Wonwoo was: someone who put others needs before his own and Mingyu gritted his teeth because the shorter was not making this any easier for him. Mingyu knew he would easily be on his knees for Wonwoo if he kept this up.

"I want to stay awake with you every night from now on." Mingyu spoke, eyeing the other boy walking next to him.

Wonwoo chuckled a little. "I'm telling you, they're all going to be awake for a while, and even if they do all go to sleep I can go out on the balcony. Hoshi's balcony has the prettiest view anyway."

"Okay." Mingyu nodded. "We'll go there then."

"Mingyu-" Wonwoo stopped in the middle of the side walk. "Why would you mess up your sleep on purpose?"

"It's for a good cause." The younger showed off his canines.

And it hit Wonwoo that maybe Mingyu was just curious. A part of him did genuinely believe that Mingyu wanted to help him too but now he was beginning to think about the possibility of the younger just wanting to see how insomniacs were, their sleep habits and all.

Wierdo. Wonwoo chuckled at the thought.

"Do that more often."

"What?" Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu.

Oh shit, did he say that out loud?

"Your laugh." Mingyu reiterated. "It's nice."

"Ewww." Wonwoo's nose scrunched. "Bring the old Kim back."

They both joked and pushed one another around as they made their way to Hoshi's house, walking up the driveway and opening his front door to walk right in.

"Ayooo." Hoshi yelled out from the living room.

Everyone had already arrived except for them two.

"Of course these two are the ones that are late." Jeonghan smirked.

"They came together." Joshua whispered to woozi .

"Shh. Don't ruin the moment." Woozi whispered back.

They played video games for the entirety of the evening, Wonwoo going against everyone and not losing one single game. He laughed as he patted hansol on the back after the younger lost.

Mingyu looked at him from the couches and there was a sort of glow in wonwoos eyes and a different kind of contentness that gleamed when he smiled. His smile looked like one that was the product of true happiness and Mingyu had wanted nothing more in his 18 years of life than for Wonwoo to always be and look this happy. The younger was willing to buy him every video game in the world if it meant Wonwoo would keep this glow in his eyes, one where genuine happiness could be seen emitting from those dark brown orbs of his.

"Pizzas here." Hoshi yelled from the door as they all rushed over to the dining table.

There were only 6 chairs so while some of them sat down, the remaining 7 hovered above them.

"Sit here." Mingyu got up from his chair when he saw Wonwoo standing up.

"It's okay, Mingyu. I like standing up." Wonwoo waved his hand, gesturing for Mingyu to sit back down.

"It's uncomfortable to stand and eat. Come." Mingyu insisted.

"Oh my god." Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "Wonwoo Hyung, come sit here." He got up from his seat next to Mingyu and went to stand next to hansol.

Mingyu contently smiled as Wonwoo came to sit down right next to him, their knees slightly brushed when he reached for the pizza box, grabbing himself a slice before putting two slices on wonwoos plate.

"You need to eat more." Mingyu poked Wonwoo on the side as he took a bite of the pizza, inching closer to where he and Wonwoo's arms were now touching.

The rest of the boys looked at one another with confusion oozing out of them. They all had the same expression on their faces as they looked at one another.

'Are y'all seeing this shit?'

"What the fuck is going on." Woozi whispered to Hoshi.

"They were about to rip each other apart just a couple weeks ago." Jun chimed in.

"This is better though isn't it?" Minghao questioned.

"Is it?" Vernon cocked his head to the right.

Wonwoo and Mingyu weren't even paying attention to the other people in the room, they were too busy laughing as Mingyu put yet another slice of pizza on wonwoo's plate, resulting in Wonwoo hitting him on the head. They were both too wrapped up in each other's world, feeling themselves fall deeper into each other but not knowing fully what was happening.

Hi guyths. Mm I havnt been able to write lately, I don't really know but I just can't sit and write these days and then other days I can sit and write for hours. Hahaha it's making me quite upset now

Also, should I keep it as 'hansol' or change it to 'Vernon' ???

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