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Mingyu went back upstairs when he felt a sudden wave of sadness wash over him, but it wasn't because of his grandma who yelled at him thinking he had done something bad for Wonwoo to leave so abruptly. No, it was because he was missing a certain presence.

"Hm?" Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows when he spotted a pencil bag on his bed that wasn't his. He didn't own a pencil bag.

It must be wonwoo's. The thought made him perk up as he pulled out his phone.

Unknown number: you left your pencil bag here.

Wonwoo didn't reply as fast as Mingyu had expected, no. Instead he took hours and even then the reply he got was not one he had expected.

Wonwoo: who is this?

Unknown number: it's Mingyu. Do you want me to bring it to you?

Wonwoo: how did you get my number? Actually, it doesn't matter. Just give it to me on Monday.

Mingyu's shoulders drooped a little after wonwoo's last text. He was really wanting to see the latter even though he had left only a couple hours prior. That fact frustrated him more than he would ever let on.

He looked at the gray and white pencil bag on his bed before picking it up. He didn't want to snoop but he just wanted to know what pencil Wonwoo was using, yes. That. He opened it up as the sound of the zipper rung in his ear, although the first thing he saw in there was not a utensil. No, it was a note. It was small but still neatly folded in half.

It was weird because Wonwoo wasn't the type to pass notes in class, meaning this was one he had received.

Mingyu hated the fact that he wanted nothing more than to see what was inside that note, he was never one to be nosy but he couldn't help himself in this situation. No one was around so might as well right? As he opened up the note quite eagerly, he read the messy and smudged handwriting.

'Meet me under the cherry blossom tree by the basketball court. Friday during lunch ~R"

R? Who was R? Wonwoo's admirer? Wonwoo was good looking, anyone who had eyes could see that but no one really confessed to him. Maybe it had something to do with his cold exterior that the elder had put up. The way he'd walk through school with his perfectly ironed uniform and his dark hair that laid so elegantly on his forehead, almost covering his eyes. Even when someone did like him, they were too afraid to be rejected by him to say anything. So who was this 'R' person?

Mingyu would find out just that on Friday.

But Wonwoo would never go, he wasn't like that. The only attention he liked on himself was when he was called on by a teacher to answer a question none of the other students could, and even then Mingyu had observed that he would get a little nervous. He had never seen the latter stumble upon words like he did that one day in class. When they made eye contact. So Wonwoo definitely was not one for the romance games.

Or at least that's what Mingyu told himself as he slammed his fists on his bed. Someone was beating him to the punch.

Someone was beating him to Wonwoo.

When Monday rolled around, Wonwoo felt much better than he did the past two days. He hasn't slept well but that wasn't new to him. As he walked down the corridor, sometimes turning his head to gently smile at the students who waved at him. He saw Mingyu walking towards him with a wide grin playing at the corners on his mouth.

Ever since he started to go to his house for the project they had become okay with each other. They weren't the best of friends but They didn't quite hate each other anymore. Or that's what Wonwoo thought, little did he know that Mingyu had stopped disliking him a long time ago.

Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Mingyu, tall and muscular. He even had a few inches on Wonwoo who would sometimes have to look up at him when they talked. His golden tan, coffee like skin was a beautiful contrast to wonwoo's pale and milky one. Wonwoo had never seen him smile so widely because if he had, he would've seen those sharp canine teeth of his earlier and he would've felt the feeling in the bottom of his stomach way earlier.

"Here." Mingyu stopped right in front of the elder as he offered him the pencil bag.

Wonwoo, who only took his bag and tried to walk right past him only to be grabbed by the back of his shirt. Letting his feeble body be dragged right back to his spot in front of Mingyu. They were well acquainted now to do such things he thought.

"No thank you?" The younger asked with raised eyebrows and a cocky smile.

"You're lucky I'm not punching you in the nose for touching me." Wonwoo shoved his hands off before continuing on his way.

The real reason Wonwoo wanted to get out of the younger's sights as soon as he possibly could had nothing to do with the fact that he had once perceived him as too rough and annoying and couldn't even be around him. No, it was more about the sudden urge to touch their skins together to compare and contrast. The unanticipated feeling of wanting to run his hands over the sun kissed surface and trace the cheekbone with his thumb.

Because Wonwoo wasn't supposed to be like that or feel like that. Not for Mingyu, the school jock, the fighter, the bully who had to show everyone around him that he was just so much better than them in every way. He would never feel that way. Never for Mingyu.

But it seems as though never was a very short lived time for jeon Wonwoo.

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