T h i r t e e n

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"Jeon enterprises...." Mingyu repeated.

Wonwoo went on to roll his eyes at him again.

He was an idiot, how could Mingyu have missed such an obvious connection.

"So you're the next heir." Mingyu leaned forward.

Both of their books had been closed a long time ago, now they just sat across from each other as Mingyu looked at the boy across from him as if he were the most valuable and interesting thing he'd ever lay his eyes upon. Although, he was right about the valuable part. Wonwoo did whatever he could to avoid the youngers eyes that didn't dare leave his face for even a second.

Wonwoo twitched a little at the question, sighing as if he'd been so tired of hearing people talking about his family's business.

"Yes." Wonwoo curtly nodded, proceeding to get up.

Mingyu suddenly tensed, had he made him uncomfortable with the questions? Was Wonwoo regretting his decision to be civil with one another?

"I'll be right back." Wonwoo left his things which was a kind of reassurance to Mingyu that he indeed would be back.

As the elder walked away, Mingyu couldn't help but wonder how he hadn't figured it out sooner, being an heir to a company was a big deal. Let alone being next in line for a company like jeon enterprises. His thoughts started to go in different directions now, wondering if Wonwoo had actually left him there and gone home.

He wouldn't be surprised if-

"Here." Mingyu's line of thoughts were interrupted when he looked up to see Wonwoo with an arm stretched out, holding a cup in his direction.

"I didn't know what you liked so I just got you an iced coffee." Wonwoo shrugged and sat down as Mingyu took the cup from his hand.

It was a small notion, one that would go unnoticed otherwise but Mingyu couldn't get over the fact that Wonwoo had gotten them drinks because they had been sitting there for a while.

"And what'd you get?" Mingyu observed his cup that looked different than the one he held in his own hand.

"Just a mango slushee." Wonwoo sipped through the straw.

And suddenly, Mingyu felt like teasing him again and all those intrusive thoughts he had earlier were gone.

"Why? Coffee too strong for you jeon?"

Wonwoo giggled at this. Although it wasn't as funny as he has made it out to be. It was like, he was laughing at it in a mocking way.

"It's not suggested for insomniacs to drink coffee." He narrowed his eyes at Mingyu.

The only reason he let those words slip past his lips were because he knew the younger wouldn't understand what he was saying, and he was absolutely right.

"Insomniac? Huh?" Mingyu cocked his head to the left.

"Nothing." Wonwoo shook his head, taking the straw back into his mouth as Mingyu watched him from across the table.

"What if I want that instead of this." Mingyu looked down at the slushee in the olders hand before dragging his eyes back to look at wonwoo.

But he wasn't just looking, it was like he was trying to find a route into the soul that belonged to none other than Jeon Wonwoo.

Mingyu smirked a little when Wonwoo didn't have an answer ready like he usually did.

If he was going to be completely honest, Wonwoo was taken back by mingyu's sudden confidence in the words he spoke to Wonwoo. Everyone knew Mingyu was confident but there was a difference this time because Wonwoo didn't understand when they had crossed that line of teasing each other and talking to one another with absolutely no barriers. All he knew was that he was never one to back off easily.

"Then go get one, no ones stopping you." Wonwoo leaned forward as he cocked his head in the direction of the shop, putting his elbows on the table in front of them as he stared at Mingyu right back.

and Mingyu had to stop himself from groaning Because of how hot he thought that was. Wonwoo asserting fearlessness is so attractive in his eyes, this was better than him being an asshole and Wonwoo walking away without saying anything at all.

"Maybe I want yours."

"And maybe I don't wanna give it to you." Wonwoo narrowed his eyes, keeping them on mingyu's hand to see if he was going to make a sudden move.

Mingyu smirked one last time before leaping forward. "Who said I'd ask?"

But Wonwoo was quicker than he was, maybe it had something to do with his eyes that were shaped like those of foxes. Because that mango slushee was off the table quicker than mingyu's hand was able to reach for it, leaving him half laying on the table and Wonwoo leaned back in his chair laughing at him.

And normally Mingyu would've turned red with embarrassment but it was worth it this time.

It was worth it because he got to see Wonwoo laugh wholeheartedly. Even if it was at his own cost.

You guys have been waiting a while and I wanted to say thank you. I'm back now and I hope this chapter made up for my absence in a way even tho it's not the greatest, I'm working on my writing and becoming better than I am now and even better than that! Thank you for being so patient and leaving such cute comments <3

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