F o u r

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Mingyu couldn't help but stare at wonwoo, even when seungcheol nudged him. He could not take his eyes off him. Which really sucked because Mingyu didn't understand this sudden fascination with jeon Wonwoo of all people.

Mingyu had never been able to look at him this close before and now that he had the opportunity, he understood the definition of beauty.

They had been eating at the same table for about a week now, everyone was getting along very well. Some of their other friends had come to sit there as well, having to pull up more chairs from different tables to fit. But Mingyu and Wonwoo still hadn't spoken, not even one conversation. Mingyu and hansol had exchanged more words than the latter.

"Isn't it weird that we've never hung out outside of school?" Minghao asked on this Friday afternoon.

He had gotten mixed replies, jun telling him he and Wonwoo hang out almost every weekend. Which only irritated Mingyu more than it should've. And seungcheol who proposed that they hang out tomorrow. So they started discussing the places they could go and the things they could do.

"Amusement park?"

"Too cold."


"Too dark."


"Yes!" Wonwoo had jumped at that. "Uh, I mean the arcade is a good place for all of us." He composed himself when everyone started staring at his sudden splurge of an outburst.

Mingyu sat up a little in his chair as he looked at wonwoo. Mingyu liked to talk with his eyes but Wonwoo wouldn't even look his way.

And so they decided on the movies after much bickering, Mingyu had wanted to go to the arcade for the sole purpose of wanting to see that certain glint in wonwoo's eyes again but he had lost.

As Jun reached over to ruffle wonwoo's hair, Mingyu glared without noticing as the view made something coil in his stomach. An unfamiliar yet easy to pin point feeling. He wished he was the one ruffling the latters hair.

He was jealous.

But he's Kim Mingyu. He doesn't get jealous, he's never had a good reason too, if he ever wanted someone that was already taken all he had to do was ask. Everyone was ready to leave their significant other for the ever so cocky Mingyu.

Maybe that's why he was so interested in wonwoo, because he made Mingyu feel things. Different things that made him feel like a brand new person. And so he started thinking, most of the time Mingyu thinking never ended well but this time, he'd make sure it would end with Wonwoo in his arms.

"Are you kidding me seungcheol?" Mingyu angrily rubbed his temples.

"See, this is why I didn't tell you in the first place. I knew you'd never come if we were watching a horror movie." The elder responded as they both waited for the others to arrive.

"I can't look like a whimp in front of-" Mingyu quickly cut himself off before he revealed too much.

Of course he trusted seungcheol, in fact he was at the top of the list of people Mingyu had trusted but he knew that whatever he told seungcheol would eventually find its way to Jeonghan and Jeonghan told Wonwoo everything. That was the last thing he wanted, so for now he kept his mouth shut.

Before Mingyu could leave the cinema, he saw Jun, hoshi Wonwoo and woozi walking towards them. It was different, Wonwoo looked different and that made Mingyu feel different. Wonwoo didn't look as uptight and closed off as he did at school. No, there was a smile on his lips and since it was the first time Mingyu had seen him without their school uniform on, he couldn't stop looking at him. Even though Wonwoo wore casual clothes like the rest of their friends, his hair looked messier as it covered his forehead and for the killing shot. Wonwoo was wearing his glasses. He looked so effortlessly attractive and Mingyu hated the fact that his heart was beating so fast in that moment. He hated that he wanted to ruffle wonwoo's hair and leave it even more a mess than it already was.

"Hey." Hoshi spoke as Mingyu snapped out of his thoughts.

"The other guys are on their way, let's get some snacks before we go in." Seungcheol put an arm around Mingyu so he wouldn't leave.

Not that he would ever think about leaving now, not after seeing Wonwoo look so breathtaking and radiant.

"I got it." Wonwoo spoke as they all finished getting their desired snack and were about to pay.

Wonwoo stepped up and whispered a "all-together." To the cashier behind the register, making Mingyu cock his head at him. He had never met anyone that actually liked to pay for other people but like with many other things, jeon Wonwoo was an exception, and a pretty one at that.

After everyone arrived, they bought their tickets but were split up into two whole rows since there were thirteen of them after all. Mingyu would do whatever it took not to sit next to Wonwoo. He hated horror movies and was not about to show that side of himself to Wonwoo, not yet anyways.

But of course, Mingyu was never a very lucky person. So here he was, seated in between hansol and Wonwoo. The two people he didn't get along with. He texted seungcheol to switch him spots but when he looked back to see his friend sitting with Jeonghan, he knew that plan was out of the window.

He turned his head to look at one side of wonwoo's face when he was too focused on the movie trailers that were playing and noticed a mole towards the bottom of his cheek, it was adorable and reminded him of the one he had himself. The one kids used to make fun of him for. The one his mom would kiss every morning to remind him how beautiful it really was. But that was before, his relationship with his mother was different now. Different in the worst way possible.

Looking at wonwoo so up close now, he saw huge eyebags under his eyes. They were bigger now that he was so close, Mingyu looked at the puffed hues of dark purple and green on wonwoo's skin as they dipped a little in contrast to his smooth skin and he furrowed his eyebrows a little. Why did Wonwoo have such bad eye bags? Was it lack of sleep? Why was he not sleeping enough? Mingyu stopped his train of thought and mentally took a note to find out from seungcheol who he would make find out from Jeonghan later on.

Like almost every time he looked at wonwoo, Mingyu had gotten lost in his feature because the movie had already started and everyone was closely paying attention. Everyone but Mingyu. He knew he had to look at the screen, otherwise his friends around him might notice his act and would never let him forget it. So he did. They were half way into the movie now and although Mingyu was looking at the huge screen in front of him, he didn't miss Wonwoo reaching for the popcorn bucket that was stuck in between their seats, looking for a perfect time to accidentally touch his hand.

Mingyu was too focused on when Wonwoo would reach for the popcorn again that he didn't expect a jump scare in the movie. Causing him to almost fly out of his seat as he put a hand on his thumping heart and closed his eyes for a bit. He looked around and everyone was too wrapped up in what would happen next on the screen that they had completely missed the sudden jerk of his whole body.

Everyone but Wonwoo. Because, before Mingyu knew it. A cold hand had suddenly reached for his and was now holding on to it, their fingers weren't intertwined. Instead, the two hands were laid down in between their seats. Palm to palm. the sudden contact had made him jump in his seat yet again which only  resulted in Mingyu feeling a thump, gently going back and forth on his hand. Trying to calm him down.

Mingyu was too surprised at the sudden action to think about who's hand was holding his in that moment. Until, he traced the hand back and his eyes led him to the owner.


Was there something wrong with him? Mingyu thought. Did he have an illness where he held people's hands for some reason? He didn't let himself question it too much, like the way he didn't and couldn't focus on the movie anymore. All he really felt was wonwoo's hand in his, sometimes his thumb would rub at the back of his hand when a jump scare would come up, but Mingyu didn't get scared of them anymore. Not when he had Wonwoo holding his hand through it all.

Happy Vals day babes! If you're spending it alone.... no you're not because you got me AND seventeen. Also happy birthday to US CARATS <3

I was going to make a completely different special chapter for Valentine's Day but it's too soon for that hehe. Mm anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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