F i f t e e n

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"You're weird." Wonwoo finally broke the stare that he and Mingyu had been giving each other for the past minute or so.

"Huh?" Mingyu was caught off guard. "How am I weird?"

He thought Wonwoo had a sudden change in heart and was about to tell him he didn't want to be friends anymore.

Until Wonwoo continued.

"You're- youre sweet." He didn't dare look in mingyu's direction.

"I'm weird and sweet?" The younger could feel his heart trying to pound out of his chest, thumping so rapidly he was afraid Wonwoo could hear it.

"Mm, it's wierd that you're sweet. I didn't expect you to be like this is all." The older of the two shrugged like his words meant nothing.

Mingyu had forgotten he had a reputation to uphold. No matter if it was a good or bad one, he still had one. Being around Wonwoo had made that fact fly over his head these past couple of days and that was something he could not afford.

"I'm not." Mingyu snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh please." Wonwoo rolled his eyes as he turned his whole body towards the other. "That whole bad boy facade you had going on is long gone now."

"What? Pfft-" Mingyu was the one to look away now. "Who said it was a facade?" He tried not to look as nervous as he felt.

"Me. I know it was."

"How do you know so many things?" The taller rolled his eyes, referencing back to how Wonwoo was also very good in school. Always number one.

Number one in school and in his heart.

"I'm making up for lost time." Mingyu let his thought go, telling himself that it was okay to drop his act in front of Wonwoo.

"It's okay, I know it's my fault too." Wonwoo smiled at him.

"Nah. I think it was more mine than it was yours."

"Yeah you're right." Wonwoo nodded

"Hey!" Mingyu pushed him a little as they both laughed.

Mingyu realized that he was getting more comfortable with the elder than he had ever though he would and didn't know if that was a good or bad thing yet.

"Do you want me to pick you up Friday for the sleepover?" Mingyu asked suddenly.

"No way. I'm never getting on your bike." Wonwoo quickly shook his head.

"I'll take the car then."

"It's okay, hoshi's house isn't that far away from mine. I can walk there." Wonwoo nodded, more to himself than to Mingyu.

"I'll walk with you." The younger moved his hand which accidentally ended up on top of wonwoo's.

Wonwoo quickly moved his hand up to his lap and blinked uncontrollably.

"I- it's fine Mingyu-"

"I want to." Mingyu interjected before Wonwoo could make a fuss.

"Well alright then. Hahah." Wonwoo didn't know why he felt his heart and cheeks flush all of a sudden as he got up.

"We still have 10 minutes." Mingyu remained cool as always.

"Not everyone is half an hour late to class like yourself, Kim." Wonwoo wiped off the dirt from his Jeans as he started walking away.

"Oh yeah? Well maybe you'll be late today, jeon." Mingyu smirked as he got up as well, running after Wonwoo who was trying to get far away from him knowing what he was up to.

"You better stop." Wonwoo got out between laughs.

Mingyu realized quite early that he would never get over wonwoo's laugh no matter how small or quite it was sometimes. He wanted nothing more than to be the one to make him laugh for as long as he could.

Mingyu continued to run after Wonwoo who was now back inside the building, as they both passed lockers in the hallway. The elder looked back for a second at the younger which resulted in him bumping into someone and being knocked down to the floor.

"Ow." Wonwoo barely voiced out as he looked at his elbow.

"You?" The other presence in the hallway spoke directly to Wonwoo. Not bothering to help him up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see-" Wonwoo began to apologize as the boy Asi, who was way bulkier than Wonwoo stopped him.

"Of course you didn't. I forget that you're blind." Asi rolled his eyes.

Wonwoo attempted to get up only to be pushed back down by him.

"Hey, hey." Mingyu picked up his pace as his loud shouts could be heard from the other end of the hallway. "You okay?" He finally caught up to the other two boys, lending a hand to Wonwoo and bringing him up to his feet.

"Yes I'm-"

"Wait." Asi started laughing. "You actually have friends?" He turned his head to the side.

"Yes he does. Ones that can beat your ass in a millisecond so keep walking before I demonstrate." Mingyu growled.

"Ohh you must've paid him to hang around you huh wonwon." Asi laughed at the nickname.

"Shut up." Wonwoo made a disgusted face at the said man.

"Or what? You gonna confess to me too? I wonder how seojun's doing these days." Wonwoo froze as Asi said that particular name.

"Wonwoo?" Mingyu softly spoke when he noticed wonwoo's state. "Let's go."

The taller reached for his hand but Asi stepped in the way.

"Have you moved on then? So quickly?" He stared at wonwoo, completely ignoring Mingyu.

Wonwoo looked so traumatized for some reason and that's when Mingyu had enough.

"You fucker." He punched Asi in the face before grabbing him by the collar. "Don't mess with him." He spoke low, not wanting Wonwoo to hear. "He has me now."

Asi was more than surprised at the sudden outburst, not expecting it at all.

"What was that?" Mingyu asked when he and Wonwoo were farther away from Asi.

"He's just a jerk." Wonwoo shook his head.

"You're the one to always stand up to jerks but you completely froze back there." The younger questioned.

"You didn't need to punch him. I could've handled it." Wonwoo looked down at mingyu's hands before grabbing him by the wrist and guiding him to the nearby bathroom.

"You don't need to handle things by yourself anymore." Mingyu looked at him as Wonwoo put his hand under the cold sink water before giving him towel paper to dry it with.

And they both knew that this was the start of a beautiful bond and Mingyu knew that Wonwoo would be back in this same situation. Cleaning the blood off his hands after he got into a fight on Wonwoo's behalf and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy Friday!!

Ah also, everyone is in year 12 except for seungkwan, hansol and dino who are in year 11!!

I hope you liked this chapter ah

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