T w e n t y O n e

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Mingyu's eyes flickered open when he heard quiet giggles and caught glimpses of a camera flash. It took him a while to open his eyes but when he did, he realized what was going on.

There were 11 boys circled around him with a phone in hand, pointed at him and the other boy in his grasp as a subject.

"Don't. Wake. Him." Mingyu growled as he looked at his friends.

The other boys stilled as they looked at Mingyu who only had fury and absolute seriousness in his eyes. They backed away as Joshua told him they were going to breakfast and to join them when Wonwoo woke up.

Mingyu heard as the door closed behind his friends when he finally looked down and let it all sink in.

Wonwoos face was full on buried in his chest while his head was laying so gracefully on his left arm as his free arm was wrapped around wonwoos torso. He had expected Wonwoo to leave space in between them or be very cautious in even touching the younger but to his surprise the others hand was also wrapped around him.

Mingyu went back to sleep even though he would've normally gotten up and went to breakfast with his friends. He went back to sleep even though he wasn't sleepy anymore because he wanted the boy in his arms to sleep well and sleep comfortably, even if it was just for today.

Wonwoo feels warm as he slowly opens his eyes, and it's not the kind of warmness you'd get from a blanket. No, this was different. That's the very first thing that sets him off because he's never felt warm waking up. He's always ice cold maybe from the lack of sleep but right now he feels like the sun is right next to him. So when he opened his eyes fully, all the events of last night came rushing to his mind.

Its Mingyu.

Wonwoo thought as if trying to let it register in his mind. He was more aware of the fact that he actually had slept well and let the fact that his cheek was full on squished into mingyu's chest fly right over his head. He didn't fully realize when he fell asleep last night but he did know that the warmth he felt when Mingyu laid him down next to himself never left him.

He laid there as he blinked fast, thousands of thoughts running through his mind at once and right now, he didn't care that Mingyu was soundly sleeping next to him with arms wrapped around him as if he would disappear if he let go. No, he was more worried about the feeling in his stomach, knowing how close he was to the latter.

The drowsiness that was clouding his mind left him and Wonwoo tried to release himself from mingyus grasp but nothing happened. He shifted and tried to lift up the youngers arm that's wrapped so tightly around his waist but said person didn't budge an inch.

He must've pushed a little too hard when he panicked because Mingyu's arms were now off him as the younger boy sat up, confused and breathing hard.

"What was that for?" He looked back at wonwoo with a pout. He was actually pouting at him.

And Wonwoo wanted nothing more than to hug him in that moment when he saw Mingyu rubbing at his chest like it hurt in his sleepy state, and that thought alone scared him more than anything else had.

"You were- I was just-"

"Did you sleep well?" Mingyu suddenly asked. Not worried about anything else.

"I-" Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows as if he were confused for a second. "What-what time is it?"

"Currently 1:17pm." Mingyu looked down at his watch.

Wonwoo didn't remember the last time he slept past 7am and this was all becoming too much for him.

But he sucked it all up because he was not about to have a breakdown in front of Kim Mingyu of all people.

"Wait- did you not sleep well?" The younger asked in return.

"I did." Wonwoo answered after thinking for a little bit.

And he did, this was one of the best sleeps he had ever gotten.

"Oh." Mingyu quirked his head to the left.

"What?" Wonwoo asked, suddenly feeling small under the others gaze.

Mingyu didn't talk for a while and Wonwoo could see the wheels in his head turning, like he was thinking of the right thing to say in that moment.

"I just thought you'd be more excited I guess." He finally talked as he shrugged a little.

"I am."

"You don't look like it."

"Then take my word for it." Wonwoo tried to get up but Mingyu grabbed at his wrist, sitting him back down.

"No thank you kiss for me?" He turned his cheek to Wonwoo.

"I should thank hoshi's living room for letting me sleep so well." Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"We both know that's now why you slept so soundly." Mingyu smiled at him.

He remained sitting down as he rolled his eyes while Mingyu kept a hold on his wrist with one hand while the other one pointed and tapped on his own cheek. Guiding Wonwoo on where he would like the kiss.

"You wish." Is his reply but he can't help the way his heart beats against his chest as he thinks about kissing that mole on mingyu's cheek.

"I really do." Mingyu suddenly says and wonwoo can't help but blush.

"Ya-Yah. Don't say things like that."

"Are- are you blushing?" Mingyu looks like he's enjoying this and Wonwoo wants to punch (or kiss) that stupid smirk right off his face.

"Where is everyone?" He finally asks.

Mingyu sighs because he was hoping they could stay alone for longer but that was coming to an end way sooner than he'd like.

"They went for breakfast." He answered reluctantly.

"Let's go then?" Wonwoo gets up again, but this time stops and reached out a hand to help Mingyu up as well.

And in return, Mingyu gave him one of his signature lop sided smiles, but this time it's different because it does something to Wonwoo, he suddenly feels his heart jump as it slightly tickles his chest a little in return.

He seriously needs to sit Jeonghan down and tell him he has heart problems because that's the only explanation right?

"I need to brush my teeth." Wonwoo declares as they stand there staring at each other for longer than needed.

He makes a bee line for the restroom but to his dismay, Mingyu follows him.

"Me too." He finally says as he picks up his toothbrush and they are now standing side by side, in hoshi's bathroom.

The only sound that can be heard for some time is the bristles of two toothbrushes against teeth until Mingyu suddenly sneezes and the toothpaste that was once in his mouth is now on the bathroom mirror.

Wonwoo can't help but laugh as some of his own toothpaste goes flying out as well, masking them both laugh until their chests are heaving.

And then they're quite again as Wonwoo looks at Mingyu in the mirror but meets his eyes there.

"Stop staring at me." Wonwoos voice is muffled due to the excess toothpaste going down his chin.

And "Never." Is the reply that comes out of mingyu's mouth.

Here is a *long* chapter for you guys, just to say thank you for 10k reads. I hope you like it :)

And again, Thank you, means the world to me.

I hope you guys are doing well and I hope I can update more than I have been!

Have a great day/night <3

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