F i v e

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When the movie was over and the lights started to slowly turn on. Mingyu felt wonwoo's grip loosen until it was totally gone from his grasp. Mingyu frowned a little at the loss of contact. He wished he could keep their hands together forever.

As they walked out of the movie theater, their friends had decided it was still early and thought of what else they could do. While they stood in the parking lot, Mingyu looked for something in wonwoo's eyes, anything. Anything at all that would explain what just happened and why Wonwoo had made the first move that he did. But as much as Mingyu had peered into the older eyes, Wonwoo avoided his gaze as much as he could.

"How about the arcade?" Mingyu finally spoke up. "It's close by and we can actually have some fun together instead of sitting in a dark room for two hours." He rolled his eyes as everyone agreed and decided they would walk to the arcade since it wasn't too far.

"Why-" Mingyu started but Wonwoo cut him off.

"My brother." He sighed a little when him and Mingyu were behind the others. "He used to hate horror movies but never wanted to miss out on any 'family time' with us so he stayed and watched. I'd hold his hand when he'd get too scared and it helped him so I-"

"So you held my hand to help me out?" Mingyu asked dumb founded. Didn't Wonwoo basically tell him he hated him just last week?

"I don't want anyone to go through what he did. I know it can get pretty bad."

"Oh. Right. Thanks?" Mingyu stated it as a question.

Wonwoo only hummed in response and Mingyu couldn't stop his brain from making up different scenarios now.

When they had finally had the arcade in their peripheral, Wonwoo sped up a little and caught up with the other guys, making Mingyu feel embarrassed for being the only one at the end now. When he has picked up his pace as well. Mingyu noticed that Wonwoo looked so different looking into that arcade. He looked so happy. Like this was his place. His comfort zone, his happy place and everything in between. Mingyu didn't even know he liked to play games. But then again, what did he really know about Wonwoo?

Yes, he found Wonwoo attractive and he already knew just how smart and cultured the latter was but Mingyu had known nothing else about him. But be wanted to know as much as he could. Things that shouldn't matter, things like his favorite color and his favorite number. Down to things that did matter, like what made him want to live and what his biggest fear was. Mingyu was willing to listen to it all, as long as it was coming from Wonwoo.

"Be careful." Mingyu reached out for wonwoo's wrist when he saw the latter almost trip on their way in.

Wonwoo only nodded in his direction before guiding himself deeper into the dim lit room. Knowing exactly where he was going, leaving Mingyu to trace his steps and follow behind him. Wonwoo sat down at a particular game machine, hitting start but Mingyu saw an error on there, saying one more person was needed to play the game. As Wonwoo frowned a little and was about to get up, Mingyu made his move.

"I'll play with you." He took the seat right by Wonwoo, making the other sit back down as well.

"Do you even know how to?" Wonwoo asked as Mingyu felt their arms graze by each other, slightly touching.

"Yes." Mingyu lied. "Who doesn't?" He didn't.

Wonwoo only nodded before starting the game, it was a killing game, where if one person died, the other did as well. They'd have to help each other to survive as other people came and tried to kill them.

"BEHIND YOU." Wonwoo suddenly yelled and Mingyu almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden loss of silence.

He then finally started to play, watching everything Wonwoo did and copying him. It seemed to be working because they were both still alive.


Mingyu had never heard Wonwoo raise his voice the way he was doing so right now. The Wonwoo he knew was always composed and quite, but it didn't take long for him to figure out he was only that way with people he wasn't comfortable with. He was a completely different person around his friends, and Mingyu would do anything to be that with him. He knew Wonwoo still wasn't comfortable around him, the only reason he was yelling so carelessly now was because he was lost in the heat of the moment, adrenaline coursing through him as a result of wanting to win so badly.

"Wah. We won!" Wonwoo smiled as Mingyu turned his whole body to look at him, resulting in the older to recompose himself and sheepishly look away.

After the first game, Mingyu had lost sight of Wonwoo, along with his other friends as well. Seungcheol had texted him asking where he was but he preferred to stay where he was now. On the big long couches alone with his thoughts. And man, did he have much to think about. But they all lead back to the same person.

Why jeon Wonwoo?

He didn't quite understand why he felt the way he did, or why he felt the need to have Wonwoo be something more to him than what he was now, and even more after that. He had never had this desire for anyone else, never felt the need for someone to be with him and simply be his as much as he did now.

The way he felt it with Wonwoo.

And although he had always wanted to keep up his bad boy reputation, he was willing to give it all up for Wonwoo. He made it seem so simple, even though it was anything but that.

"We're leaving." Mingyu heard as he shook his head to snap out of his never ending thoughts.

"Alright." He replied to seokmin.

As they were leaving, Mingyu was lucky enough to witness that certain glint in wonwoo's eyes again. And a part of him couldnt help but feel like the latter deserved it for some reason. Wonwoo deserved to be happy in mingyu's eyes.

I had initially published a way different chapter  but Unpublished it because I think it's too early to get into the contents of what was in that chapter so here ya go!

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