T w e n t y T w o

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The bell on top of the cafe door made a little ding as Wonwoo and Mingyu walked in, gazing around before their eyes landed on their friends. The other boys scooted over to make room in the huge booth as they all looked at their menus. Mingyu sat next to Seungcheol and Jeonghan, across from Wonwoo as he thought about the way the younger laughed earlier.

Wonwoo was spacing out when Jeonghan kicked him under the table. Exchanging a well known look between them two.

As their food arrived, everyone backed up from the table as they watched it fill with plates of delicious food and some fruit. They all dug in as Mingyu cut up two chocolate chip pancakes, putting sliced up fruit on the side before leaning over and putting it in front of Wonwoo. Everyone stopped what they were doing as Wonwoo suddenly became shy. They all stared between the two but Mingyu didn't pay any attention to them, only grabbing more pancakes and cutting them up for himself this time.

And this was what Wonwoo would come to like so much about Mingyu, doing heart warming things and playing it off like it's no big deal. But it was a big deal because this was the second time he had made the older heart beat faster than it should. And it wasn't even evening yet.

Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu as he picked up his fork from the pancakes in front of him and maybe it was the wrong timing because he saw the younger looking back at him, mouthing "eat." And going back to his own food.

"Wow." Hoshi patted his stomach.

"I'm stuffed." Dino sunk down in the booth a little.

The table was filled with laughter as dk tried to stuff his mouth with six pancakes all at once. Enjoying each other's company.

The waiter came back after clearing the table to put the bill in the middle. Wonwoo reached for his wallet but just in time, Mingyu snatched the bill, getting up and smiling widely.

"This one's on me." He walked away from the table to pay.

Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Mingyu disappear into the crowd, doing what he usually does.

The other members looked at each other as if they had seen something unbelievable. But to be honest, someone other than Wonwoo paying was unbelievable. He never let anyone else pay.

"You know you don't always have to be the one to pay, right?" Mingyu asked as he and Wonwoo walked behind the group, heading back to hoshi's house.

"I know, I don't have to do anything." Wonwoo nodded, looking at the cherry blossoms falling off the trees, as they got carried into the wind. "And I never do things I don't want to." Wonwoo added.

While Mingyu was too busy looking at Wonwoo, he failed to notice Jeonghan completely stopping in front of them until his chest collided with Jeonghans back.

"We have to talk." Jeongahan said, looking straight at Wonwoo. Unfazed by Mingyu's presence. "Just the two of us."

Mingyu looked in between the two as he felt a stinging feeling rising in his chest. Ignoring it before walking towards Seungcheol.

"Control your boyfriend." Mingyu growled. Not knowing how aggressive he sounded.

While Seungcheol just looked back, suddenly realizing why Mingyu sounded so angry.

"What is it?" Wonwoo questioned.

"You finally slept for more than an hour." He spoke, while smiling fondly.

"And what about it?" Wonwoo spoke, unpleasantly.

"I just thought you'd be relieved at this point." The older shrugged, frowning.

"I would be." Wonwoo spoke. "If it wasn't because of him." He muttered the last part.

"I mean we always knew it was possible." Jeonghan put his hands in his pocket.

They both thought back to the doctor visits that always left them empty handed.

"It's amazing how your ex arch nemesis did what most doctors couldn't do." Jeonghan gave him a cheeky grin

"Shut up Hyung." Wonwoo lightly pushed Jeonghan by the shoulder.

"Who would've thought Kim Mingyu would be the antidote to your insomnia." Jeonghan whispered before going to catch back up with Seungcheol.

"Definitely not me, that's for sure." Wonwoo sighed.

Hi guyths, it's been a while but I'm back! I hope you liked this update! I apologize for not updating this story but it's been difficult. Hehe

Happy new year! I hope this year is filled with happiness for us all :)

I just wanna say thank you to fraya for helping me write and get past my writers block <3

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