T w e n t y F o u r

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"Come in. You can't walk home in such weather." Wonwoo spoke as they stood in front of his front door, saved from the pouring rain by the balcony that stood above their heads.

"It's okay. I don't want to in-" Mingyu spoke but Wonwoo stopped him.

"You're not intruding." He said and Mingyu smiled as they walked in.

"Here." Wonwoo threw him a towel when they finally reached the olders room.

Mingyu started drying his hair as he felt his shirt stick to him. Wonwoo averted his gaze suddenly as mingyu's white shirt was now see through. Seeing the older trying hard to look somewhere else made Mingyu smile a bit wider than he ever did.

"Wonwoo-" Mingyu walked closer to him as he suddenly felt confidence wash over him. "Mm?" Wonwoo looked at him again as they now stood an inch away from each other.

"I-" Mingyu started but his phone started ringing before he could get another word out. "I- I can't now." Mingyu turns away a bit as he speaks into his phone.

Wonwoo looks at him closely as his face changes into something akin to exhaustion.

"Fine. I'll be there." Mingyu sighs as he hangs up his phone, putting it down as he gets up. "I gotta go." He says, and there's something hiding behind his voice but Wonwoo can't quite tell what it is.

"Suddenly?" Wonwoo asks. What he wants to ask is who the person on the other side on the line was. It couldn't have been his grandma or sister because he didn't speak to them in such a manner. Wonwoo was curious, and that alone bothered him because he shouldn't care this much about Kim mingyu's affairs.

"Can I not intrude another day?" Mingyu asks a bit timidly as he and Wonwoo are now face to face with each other.

He looks at Wonwoo, a little too closely. They're by wonwoos window and the moonlight seeps in, casting a bright light on wonwoos face. Mingyu's focus is all on the mole that's right under his eye, one he has never noticed before for some reason. Wonwoo stands still, and Mingyu can see the corners of his mouth are turned up a little, he's not scowling like usual and this makes Mingyu smile as he inches closer, heart beating in his ears. He reaches out a hand, to swipe his thumb over the olders eye mole when his phone rings again and he's brought back into reality, and when he looks at the caller ID, he realizes again why nothing should ever bloom between he and Wonwoo.

"I'll um-" Mingyu suddenly faces away from Wonwoo. "I'll see you later." He mumbles a little.

"It's raining." Wonwoo speaks and Mingyu can hear the pout in his voice.

"I'll manage." The younger answers, coldly.

"Oh-" Wonwoo breathes out as he nods, even though the younger can't see him.

Mingyu senses something in the way Wonwoo says that two lettered, one word but he's already half way down the stairs. He's almost to the door when he feels someone grab him, turning him around.

"Here." Wonwoo says simply as he wraps a scarf around mingyus neck, tucking it in as Mingyu stares at the sudden gesture.

And suddenly, Mingyu wanted to apologize. He didn't know what for, but he had the sudden urge to apologize to the boy in front of him.

But instead, he settled for "thank you." As he smiled, fighting the urge to reach out and cup wonwoos face who still had the tiniest pout on it.

"Be safe." Wonwoo nodded, looking away from the other as he opened the door.

Hello my loves!
I know it's been a while, I long while. I apologize profusely, because I know you guys were waiting on an update from me for a long time.

I didn't forget about this book! I'll update regularly now. Thank you for tuning in.

I hope you're doing well <3 my inbox is always open!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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