T w e n t y T h r e e

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Mingyu laughs suddenly as he licks his sea salt caramel ice cream cone across from Wonwoo.

"What?" The older furrows his eyebrows.

"You got a little-" Mingyu leans forward before he can finish, wiping some ice cream off of wonwoos top lip.

Wonwoo hums until he sees Mingyu lick his finger. The finger with wonwoo's face ice cream on there and something in his stomach tightens.

"What?" Mingyu asks innocently and Wonwoo blinks at him a few times before looking away.

They walk home after the ice cream shop as Mingyu and Wonwoo tread behind the others. "Did you sleep well last night?" Mingyu asks.

"You know I did." Wonwoo rolls his eyes.

"I want to hear it from you." Mingyu looks at him.

"I did, I truly did." Wonwoo sighs and he sees the younger smile widely, trying to hide it by looking away.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Hoshi asks when they're finally back home, sitting around the living room.

"Sure, you pick." Joshua grabs the remote, giving it to jun.

"Mm, this one!" Jun says excitedly and everyone comes in closer, some sitting on the floor, others on the couch.

"Sit here." Mingyu says, looking down at wonwoo who's on the floor, as he pats the spot next to him.

Mingyu smiles when Wonwoo does as he's told. And maybe it's the light from the TV but for a second, mingyu's eyes sparkle and the older feels his heart thump louder than how it did a second ago.

"I'm turning the lights off." Minghao announces as everyone focuses on the movie starting and Mingyu sighs when he notices its a horror film.

There's a jump scare a little bit later. Mingyu gasps, looking away from the screen and closing his eyes as his hand searches for wonwoos, desperately.

"It's okay, it's gone." Wonwoo whispers as he holds onto mingyu's hand tightly. He doesn't understand this new feeling of wanting to be gentle when it comes to Kim Mingyu. But it was definitely there.

It might've been because he wanted to do anything other than watch the movie but Mingyu suddenly felt his eyes closing, he tried to stay awake but when the sleepiness got too much, he finally let it in.

"Umm Mingyu?" Seungcheol called out to his friend as he and Jeonghan got up to leave.

"It's fine, don't wake him up." Wonwoo warns, as Mingyu shifts a bit on his shoulder and Wonwoo can feel him smile against his shirt, in his sleep.

Most of the guys go home when the movie finishes but Wonwoo doesn't move an inch. Not wanting to disturb the sleeping boy on his shoulder. Suddenly, Mingyu shifts a bit until his face is basically buried in wonwoos neck.

"Uhm won?" Hoshi tilts his head to the side as Woozi tried to hold in his laughter when he sees Wonwoo turning red.

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo finally moves away as mingyu's head falls a little and he feels so bad seeing such a sight.

"Mm?" Mingyu looks around with tried eyes, confused.

"It's late, everyone already left." Wonwoo tells him.

"Oh-" Mingyu yawns, stretching his arms out.

One side of mingyu's hair is completely messed up, he looks like a child and it makes a warmness spread in wonwoos heart. The more he looks at the younger, the wider his smile gets.

It's been a while since he's felt such a warm feeling, and he'd never think Kim Mingyu would be the cause.

"I'll walk you home." Mingyu speaks as they wave to hoshi and woozi.

"It's okay Mingyu-"

"I want to." The younger stops him.

"Okay." Wonwoo only nods.

Mingyu puts his hand out when he feels wetness on the top of his head. "It's raining." He says and Wonwoo looks up and a raindrop hits him right in the eye. Causing Mingyu to laugh so hard, he snorts a little and Wonwoo can't contain his laughter after that.

The rain starts to fall faster and harsher as they hide under a convenience store balcony.

"Here." Mingyu takes off his jacket, holding it on top of wonwoos head. "On three, let's run."

"No- wait." Wonwoo stops him as he adjusts the jacket so it covers both of their heads. "Okay 1..." he starts.

"2..." Mingyu smiles at wonwoos notion.

"3!" They both yell at the same time, giggling as they start running towards wonwoos house.

To strangers, it might've seemed like they were lovers, shielding each other from the rain. But in this moment, they were nothing short of friends. And it would take a while for them to realize that they both wanted more from each other than they could afford.

Hiii!! I know it's been a while :( I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting! I think I may have lost my writing talent? But I think I'll get it back, it might take a while but I'm sure I'll get there!

I hope this chapter is okay! I tried to make it a bit long for you guys!!!

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