S i x t e e n

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The light blue hues of the sky seeped in with the pink to create the prettiest sunset Wonwoo had ever seen. He spent all day after school yesterday thinking about Asi's words and such thoughts had brought him back to the name he tried so hard to forget about.

Han seojun.

He was standing at his window, which was wide open as he looked upon the sky. One of his favorite things since he was a child, the sky was always beautiful in his eyes, no matter what time of day.

His thumb hovered over his old friends contact information as he looked down at his phone. Receding when he told himself that Seojun leaving school was never his fault. Putting the phone down, he looked down at cars that passed by his house, all rushing to get somewhere or stopping by at one of the little shops and bakeries that were lined up right across from where he lived.

Wonwoo continued to let his eyes wonder at the changing colors on leaves and the flower petals that just couldn't hang on to the trees anymore and so they withered, falling before being blown away by the wind elsewhere when he saw a familiar face right below where he was looking.


The taller boy was pacing back and forth as if he were debating with himself. Wonwoo watched from the second floor window as Mingyu finally stopped biting at the skin of his thumb and pulled out his phone, Wonwoo wondered what the younger was up to when his own phone started buzzing in his hand.

It was Mingyu?

"Hello?" Wonwoo spoke first.

"Hi." Mingyu sounded shy for some reason. "It's a little early to go to hoshi's house but I thought we could go to the arcade before heading over there."


"But it's okay if-" Mingyu stopped as he heard wonwoos rather excited reply.

"I'll be down in a second." Wonwoo smiled before hanging up the phone.

It was unusual for him to be so excited about going out somewhere. He'd much rather stay at home than hang out with someone, especially one on one and he didn't know if he was so willing now because they were going to the arcade or if it was because it was Mingyu he would be the one going with.

"Hi." Wonwoo smiled when he finally left his house and Mingyu could almost swear he was blushing but jeon Wonwoo was not the type to blush. "Did you wait long?"

'No amount of wait is long enough if it's spent waiting for you.' Was the first thing that had come into mingyu's mind but instead, he settled for "nah."

"Back there..." Mingyu trailed off as they started walking.

"Mm?" Wonwoo knew he was referring to the incident at school.

"Who was that?" The younger looked at wonwoo to see any change in his form but there was none.

"Just another highschool asshole, he doesn't like me much so I usually stay out of his way."

"That's not your problem." Mingyu gritted his teeth. "So that's what happens when you guys cross paths?"

"It's fine." Wonwoo shook his head. "It's not a big deal and usually yes, he just likes to make me feel bad and then carry on with his day."

"If I see him doing that to you I swear-"

"Mingyu-" Wonwoo stopped in the middle of the side walk. "No more fighting, please." He pleaded.

And for the first time in a long time Mingyu had been persuaded to stop his ways and stop any malevolent act that crossed his mind because he saw how wonwoos eyes turned so sincere when he proposed such an idea to him.

Mingyu never took his 'liking' for Wonwoo seriously because he had always thought that it was just an itch. An itch to be his friend because it was the one thing he thought could not be accomplished. Mingyu looked at it as a sort of challenge before but now that it was a form of reality. He was starting to feel something else and that scared him and it hurt more than any punch could have.

"Come on, jeon." Mingyu laughed as he started walking again. "Don't get all soft on me now."

"After all those remarks about me being a goody two shoes? No way. You have a long way to work up, Kim." Wonwoo chuckled a little as Mingyu put a hand on the left side of his chest to try and ease his heart.

"Closed?" Wonwoo pouted as he read the sign hanging on the rusty door handle that led to the arcade.

"There's a new cafe that opened up. Let's go there instead." Mingyu spoke as if Wonwoo would leave him any second if the younger didn't make another plan as soon as possible.

"Okay." Wonwoo curtly agreed as they started walking in a different direction.

The walks weren't close but they didn't feel too far either. Probably because Mingyu was too busy looking at wonwoo to notice how tired his feet were already.

"Be careful!" Mingyu suddenly put an arm around wonwoos waist as a car got too close to the sidewalk they were walking along.

He kept his hand around wonwoos torso as he switched himself and the latter to where he was now walking closer to the road rather than Wonwoo who was now walking along on the other side, away from danger.

"Mm." Wonwoo only hummed as he looked away at the shops on the other side of him so Mingyu wouldn't see the red heat appearing on the apples of his cheeks.

Mingyu had already known that the arcade would be closed today, he had a suspension or better worded, a theory. One that he wanted to test out before hoshi's sleepover. In fact, he had planned this whole thing so that they would both end up right here, across from each other in this cafe.

Ahh hahaha I'm in LOVE with ready to love. I feel like seventeen just keeps getting better and I couldn't be more proud of them.

Happy Friday!! I hope you liked this chapter <3

Uh I also feel like no one knows where this story is going, like no ones going to expect it and I'm nervoussss for thattt. What are your suspicions???

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