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Convincing their teacher to put him and Wonwoo as partners for the project wasnt easy, but it wasn't that difficult either. All it took were some empty threats followed by a few pictures of what seemed to be Mr lee stealing donuts from the principles office and Mingyu got what he wanted. More time with Wonwoo.

"Mingyu and Wonwoo." Mr lee sighed as he called those names the next day.

Wonwoo looked up a little horrified as Mingyu smiled at his accomplishment.

"Switch me, please." Wonwoo begged hoshi at lunch.

"No way. I got jihoon. I'd never give him up." Was the reply he received as he gagged a little.

Wonwoo had always done well in school, it was one of the things he held himself responsible for because it was the one thing that made his dad proud. It wasn't that he doubted mingyu's ability to work or do well in school but he knew they wouldn't be able to get work done. He could imagine them bickering over what what color pen to use for the project. Another problem was how he had basically held the younger's hand just last weekend. Ugh this was going to be so awkward, and although Wonwoo was the pure definition of awkward. He had always hated those kinds of situations.

"Should we get started on our project today after school?" Mingyu asked as soon as he sat down, eyes on Wonwoo who only avoided his gaze.

"Yes." Wonwoo answered simply. The sooner they got started, the sooner he'd be free of Mingyu.

"My house or yours?" The taller asked.

"How about a cafe?" He rebutted.

"Can't. I have to be home right after school. My house I guess." Mingyu bit into his sandwich.

"If you- why did you ask if you already- ugh never mind." Wonwoo rolled his eyes, giving up.

Mingyu only smiled, Wonwoo looked so cute when he was frustrated.

Wonwoo stopped as his friend group exited the school doors. Waving goodbyes as he and Mingyu were the only ones left.

"Where's your car?" Wonwoo asked.

"I didn't bring my car." Mingyu replied.

Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows until Mingyu continued.

"I rode my motercycle." He led them to a matte black sports bike before hopping on, putting on his helmet.

He was wearing all black which looked amazing and went so well with that all black bike and matching helmet.

"No way

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"No way." Wonwoo shook his head. "Im not getting on that thing."

'Oh no.' Mingyu thought, his plan was failing. The only reason he rode his bike today of all days was because he wanted Wonwoo to ride on the back of it with him and hopefully wrap his arms around him, but knowing Wonwoo- even that was a long shot.

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