S e v e n

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Wonwoo eating with mingyu's grandma and sister became like a normal occurrence for that week. They would walk to mingyu's house right after school but they barely got any work in because his grandma would always sit Wonwoo down for some tea as soon as they walked in. She would chat him up like no other, Wonwoo didn't talk much on the first day, but as it started to happen more. He wouldn't shut up in front of mingyu's grandma. Was it wrong of Mingyu to be jealous of his own family?

"And what about your mom and dad? They have raised such a wonderful son." She asked as Wonwoo raised the teacup to his mouth and froze.

They didn't raise me. The maids did.

"Grandma-" Mingyu voiced out when he saw Wonwoo freeze.

"What?" She asked back confused.

"They're good parents." Wonwoo smiled but no one could see past the glint of sadness that reflected in his orbs.

When they had gone up to mingyu's room, Wonwoo was quieter than ever. He didn't even yell at Mingyu for making a mistake today. He just worked unbothered and that bothered Mingyu more than anything else.

"I messed up." Mingyu finally announced.

"Okay." Wonwoo answered back. Not looking up from the piece of paper.

"I-I want you to yell at me." Mingyu looked at him.

"What is wrong with you?" Wonwoo asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Mingyu sighed as they went back to work. What was wrong with him? He would never act this way in front of anyone else so why now? He always had everyone's attention and sometimes hated it but now he wanted nothing more than wonwoo's attention on him.

"I have to get going." Wonwoo began packing up his things.

Mingyu started to get upset again, dinner wasn't ready yet which meant Wonwoo wouldn't be able to eat with them if he left now.

"You're not staying for dinner?" He worked up the courage to ask as Wonwoo shook his head.


Mingyu couldn't do anything but nod a simple "Okay."

"Oh Wonwoo." Mingyus grandma suddenly got up from the couch. "Dinners not ready yet. Don't leave so soon."

She had taken quite a liking towards Wonwoo, and Mingyu understood why.

Wonwoo was one of the only people he knew that genuinely liked to spend time with his grandma, his other friends would try to get out of the situation before she could pinch their checks, but not Wonwoo. He let her do just that almost everyday.

"I have to go home early today." Wonwoo smiled.

He didn't have to do anything, but after she had asked about his parents he didn't feel well all of a sudden and it was getting worse. Like he was about to throw up everywhere and he was not about to let himself do that in front of Mingyu and his family.

"Mingyu will drive you home." She smiled.

"No it's okay, my driver is coming to pick me up." Wonwoo declined.

"You have a driver?" Minyeon's eyes light up.

No one was supposed to know that.

"Yes." Wonwoo composed himself. "I'll see you tomorrow." He ruffled her hair

"It's Saturday tomorrow." Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh...yeah." Wonwoo nodded, trying to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Do you wanna work tomorrow as well?" Mingyu tried not to look as eager as he was feeling.

He was willing to do anything to be able to see the weekend version of Wonwoo again, with his slightly tousled, curly hair and his casual wear ugh.

Before he could get an answer, Wonwoo was out the door and Mingyu was left to ponder an answer to his own question.

Wonwoo walked out as fast as he could, gritting his teeth together when he realized Mr wang wasn't there waiting for him like he had expected. He was not about to wait outside of mingyu's house so he did the only thing that came to his mind. He ran, as fast as he could and even when his breathing started to get unleveled and ragged, he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

It had been so long that his parents were brought up in any conversation. Suddenly having to think about them triggered something in Wonwoo that he hadnt felt before and so even when he felt like the air to his lungs had been constricted and he couldn't breath anymore, he kept going. Because all he wanted in this moment was to be in the comfort of his own house.

He would say home but it wasn't that, a house was only considered a home when the people in there made it feel like one, but how could it feel like that when there was never anyone around?

The feeling in his stomach had gotten worse, traveling to his throat almost automatically, now instead of his stomach feeling like it was in knots. He felt like the airways to his throat were clogged, like the air that was supposed to be traveling to them had suddenly stopped and someone was trying to squeeze the life out of him. Just as his breathing became more loud and winded, he had finally reached the front of his door step, fumbling with the knob before stumbling in and rolling down to sit at the bottom of the now closed door behind him.

And so in the midst of all that, the frantic running and absent minded actions of picking up his school supplies because he so desperately needed to get out of mingyu's house and mingyu's sight before he broke down in front of the one person he didn't want to see him weak and vulnerable.

In the midst of all that, he had forgotten his book bag, and even tho it had escaped wonwoo's mind. There was something very important in that book bag of his.

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