T w e l v e

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Mingyu went home absolutely ecstatic after he watched Wonwoo go in, he had paid no attention to the huge mansion that was behind the said boy because he could only focus on the face in front of him. For once, he wasn't bummed out having to watch Wonwoo leave because now he had something to look forward to.

Before, he could only hope that things would go well for him and Wonwoo. Hope that he would by chance catch him in the hallways and stir up a conversation of some sort, even though they weren't always very pleasing talks. Now though, he didn't have to hope as much because he felt the unseen wall between them fall.

Maybe now he didn't have to hold back as much anymore, because now it was about getting as close to Wonwoo as he possibly could.

                          Unknown number : did you get home okay?

Wonwoo: you literally saw me walk in.

Wonwoo finally decided to change his name but he didn't want to just put the youngers name, so he improvised.

Tree: right right.

It was wierd to Wonwoo how Mingyu seemed to have such a difference in character sometimes, he too was different around people depending on how close he was to them but not the way that Mingyu was. He let himself smile as he wondered how this would end. Wonwoo was never one to be pessimistic but he didn't see it ending well for either of them for some reason.

"Hi." Mingyu practiced in his mirror Saturday morning. "Oh Wonwoo, what a coincidence." He exaggerated.

He was trying to see what he should say when he "accidentally" ran into Wonwoo at the library, even though he knew that the latter went almost every Saturday around this time.
He stepped out as he shook his head a little, trying to rid himself of the thought telling him he was going to make a fool out of himself.

Mingyu walked with his head down and hood up, not wanting to be seen entering a library on the weekend, he thought about what he would say and how he would approach Wonwoo. Hoping this wouldn't come off as stalkerish because him finding out Wonwoo came here was purely coincidental on its own when he had seen the latter entering in as he took minyeon to the park one day and the days following. Minyeon now hates the park because of how much her brother has taken her there in the past few days.

"Hi..hey...wow it's-" Mingyu kept practicing when he felt himself bump into something, someone.

"Wonwoo." Mingyu questioned as he took off his hood.

Low and behold, there stood Wonwoo, in all his glory. Wearing an open plaid shirt with a white tee under it. Looking fine as ever, it took everything in Mingyu not to gawk.

"Hi." Wonwoo smiled and the taller was ready to die right then and there.

"Oh. Hi. What are you doing here?" He asked idiotically.

"I came to study." Wonwoo pointed to the library in sight.

"Haha of course." Mingyu awkwardly laughed.

Just as Mingyu cursed himself for not knowing what else to say and expecting Wonwoo to end it there and walk off- the other actually continued.


"Me?" Mingyu cocked his head to the side.

"What are you doing here?" Wonwoo held in his laugh because Mingyu had never looked so innocent in his eyes before.

"I came to study as well." Mingyu nodded with books in hand.

"Pfft-" Wonwoo quickly covered his mouth, not meaning for that to be heard.

"What? Don't think I study jeon?" The corners of Mingyu's lips curled up a hint.

"Of course you do." Wonwoo nodded as he led the way into the library.

Mingyu sat across Wonwoo at a table in the corner, far away from anyone else to see. Wonwoo laid out his books and notes as the younger watched him. Only a single chemistry book in his hand. Which he actually was having trouble with. Wonwoo put on his glasses as he opened everything up, curtly taking the tip of his pen and chewing on it once in a while.

Mingyu finally decided to stop staring and open up his book as well, only to groan at the problems their teacher had marked wrong and he needed to redo.

Wonwoo looked up at the sound that had left mingyu's mouth involuntarily, questioning what was wrong in his own way.

"I hate chemistry." Mingyu made a grossed out face.

"Why? It's so easy." Wonwoo shrugged.

"To you, of course."

"What's so hard for you in chemistry?" Wonwoo closed his book a little.

"This." Mingyu pointed his pencil to an equation.

"Oh. This is easy." Wonwoo began to get up, making his way over to Mingyu before coming up behind him and leaning over him and his chem book.

Mingyu's tensed as he felt wonwoo's breath on the tip of his ear, too scared to move and too cowardly to do anything else.

"Do you get it now?" Wonwoo asked as he was done explaining.

And Mingyu actually did, for the first time he understood something in chemistry.

"Hey you're pretty good at this, you should be a teacher." Mingyu joked a little bit after.

"Nah. Teaching is not my thing." Wonwoo soured his nose.

"Then what is your thing?" Mingyu leaned forward as he looked upon wonwoo's face.

"Business." Wonwoo leaned forward as well, feeling his knee brush up against mingyu's under the table.

"Mm, you don't look like much of a-" mingyu cut himself off mid sentence.

"Yes, you're thinking of the right thing." Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"Jeon enterprises." Mingyu gaped a little.

Wonwoo didn't say anything, letting it sink into Mingyu that Wonwoo was basically the heir to one of the biggest companies not only in Korea, but all around the world.

Mingyu could only let his mind wonder as he sat across the fox eyed, black haired boy who looked so effortlessly flawless but so excruciatingly tried with the heavy set bags under his eyes. Which made him marvel on the idea of what other things he didn't know about jeon Wonwoo.

Hi hehe okay so I'm going to be gone for about a month, ah I'll be back may 13th!!!! So here's an update b4 I leave for a while, I hope you like it Bc it was Lowkey rushed since I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging! I hope you like this and wait for me to return so I can write more for this book🧚🧚 stay safe babez <$

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