T h r e e

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The upcoming days weren't the best for Mingyu. It was only 8am and classes hadn't even started yet but here he was, looking down at his bloodied hands as he made his way to the bathroom. He thought back to what Wonwoo had said the other day, was he really that bad of a person? No one had ever told him they hated him before, of course people disliked him but no one had ever said anything to his face. Too scared that they'd get pummeled if they did.

He hated knowing Wonwoo thought so terribly of him, but what he hated more was how it was affecting him in the first place.

"Yes dad, I'm eating well." Mingyu heard as he opened the bathroom door halfway. "Yes, ive been sleeping." "When-when are you coming ho-" "right. Sorry, I won't ask again. Get some rest dad."

The only reason Mingyu stayed and listened was because he recognized the voice on his side of the line. It was Wonwoo.

He listened to the phone beep, indicting the end of a call and then heard Wonwoo sigh, that dreadful sigh again. Like he was really about to collapse and that didn't sit well with Mingyu. So he finally walked in, glancing at wonwoo once only to see him washing his face, again. Then he proceeded to wash his hands, making sure Wonwoo was very well aware of his presence. When the blood was mostly off of his knuckles and the cold water soothed the throbbing pain that was present in them, he turned around to dry them and finally spoke his mind.

"Don't sigh like that anymore."

Wonwoo turned his attention to Mingyu and didn't have a bad reaction to him like he did the other day, today he simply looked in his direction with something akin to sadness in his eyes. When he didn't say anything, Mingyu continued.

"It makes me want to take care of you."

And with that, he took his leave and freaked out as he walked away from the bathroom. While Wonwoo was left dumb founded and kind of disgusted.

"He really said that?" Jeonghan gawked when Wonwoo told him what had happened for the 17th time that hour.

"Yesss. Ugh, stop asking that same question."

"What did he says again? I forgot." Jeonghan batted his eyelashes.

"I'm not telling you again, it's gross." He waved him off as he focused on the board.

Wonwoo saw Mingyu come in with seungcheol but he didn't bother looking at him even when Jeonghan couldn't take his eyes off of a certain someone who walked in with him.

"I can't believe you said that to him." Seungcheol whisper laughed.

"I don't know what happened, I just spoke what came into my mind." Mingyu was wide eyed because what he had done earlier was just now dawning upon him.

"Well, it's just your luck because we are eating launch with them today." His friend patted him on the back.

Mingyu couldn't help but feel his heart beat a little faster right now, the way it did earlier when he had talked to Wonwoo.

By the time lunch time came around, mingyu's heart was lying in his stomach instead of his chest and he couldn't help but feel a sort of excitement, he had never had the opportunity to actually be around Wonwoo for more than a couple of minutes.

"They're coming. They're coming." Jeonghan hit Wonwoo on the arm. "Act normal."

"I don't have to act that." The latter sighed. "You're the only one that's not normal here."

"Pfft- can you really say that when hoshi is in our friend group?" Seokmin shook his head. "The guy thinks he's another species."

Wonwoo heard a smack and a groan coming from seokmin as he started to laugh.

Mingyu and seungcheol came to their table and put their trays down, both of the males sitting right across from him and Jeonghan.

"Hey guys." Seokmin beamed.

They were all very familiar with each other, no introduction necessary. Even though they didn't eat lunch together, all of them could be considered friends. Except for Wonwoo and Mingyu and of course, hansol and Mingyu.

It seemed as though Mingyu was the problem.

"Hi." Hansol peeped.

Wonwoo looked at him to keep going until Mingyu interrupted him.

"Hey man, I'm Mingyu."

"Im-I'm hansol."

"Nice to meet you." The older showed his canines.

Wonwoo was a bit taken back, since when did Mingyu introduce himself to anyone? Sure, he wasn't fond of the latter but he heard and saw things. Everyone in school wanted and knew Mingyu, he was a star in everyone's eyes. From being insanely good looking to- wait did he just admit Mingyu was good looking? No, no he did not.

Wonwoo quickly shook his head to stop himself from thinking too much into everything, catching mingyu's eyes that were already on him as he bit into his Apple. He looked at wonwoo as if wishing he would replace the Apple in his mouth with himself. Wonwoo quickly looked away, the things Mingyu would say and the way he looked at him these days was something similar to when someone would have a crush. But he could never have a crush on him, wonwoo would not let himself fall for any game Mingyu was playing, including trying to seduce him for whatever reason.

'It has to be a game.' Wonwoo thought. 'He can have anyone he'd like, in this school and even in the city of Seoul.' 'Why would he want me of all people?'

And Mingyu was thinking the same thing.

'Why do I feel the need to have him in my grasp so much?'

Many questions surrounded them both as they were snapped out of their thoughts when hoshi started laughing at seungcheol who was now choking on his food. Jeonghan got up and tried to hit the oldest of the group on the back, resulting in him groaning in pain.

Wonwoo couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Everyone at their table was now loudly laughing as Wonwoo threw his head back in utter amusement, resulting in his nose scrunching as his deep heartfelt laugh echoed through the entire cafeteria.

But with just a laugh he had managed to do something most of the students in his school had tried for years and still failed.

He had caught and obtained mingyu's attention.

Mingyu couldn't take his eyes off of him, wonwoo's laugh was like the sweetest type of music to his ears. And for the first time in a long time, mingyu's heart which had only ever known winter, had suddenly bloomed into spring.

Ahh I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in this!! Sometimes when I re-read it, it just flys right over my head!

Feel free to comment, I LOVE reading them!!

Hope you like this chapterrr <3

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