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They had been playing truth or dare for what seemed like hours when hoshi started yawning followed by seokmin and so the laughter came to an end as drowsiness stepped in to take its place.

"Do you guys need anything?" Hoshi asked. "Tell me if you do." He was being a proper host and it made the other boys hearts swell.

Wonwoo started getting nervous when he noticed everyone fixing their pillows and covering themselves with the blankets as they lay down, leaving space between them and the person next to them.

Only problem was that he had no sort of tiredness in his body.

He started to regret his decision of agreeing to this when he realized that he was slightly shaking because there was nothing more Wonwoo hated than laying down and not being able to sleep. He had to be doing something because in the time that he wasn't distracted was when the terrible thoughts made way into his brain and it never helped the situation.

"Everyone good? I'm going to turn off the light." Hoshi snapped him out of his thoughts as his heart started beating even more.

Hoshi hit the light switch as everything went dark. The only light source in the living room was now the window by the stairs that made way and brought in light from the huge street light outside.

Wonwoo started shaking a lot and even he didn't understand what to do in that moment but he couldn't have been any more grateful that no one was able to see him. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand grab at his shoulder and laid him down, a hand under his head as his breathing started to even out again.

"It's okay, just breath." Wonwoo instantly recognized that voice as Mingyu's.


"You don't have to say anything." Mingyu interrupted him. "And don't worry about anyone else, just focus on yourself right now."

"I'm-I'm sorry." Wonwoo looked away as he felt himself calm down almost instantly when he realized his head was laying on mingyu's arm which meant they were closer than he could see.

"No." Mingyu shook his head and even though Wonwoo couldn't see it, he felt it on top of his own head. "You don't ever have to apologize when you're around me." Mingyu's breath hitched a little.

Wonwoo was laying on his back and he started to shift when he got uncomfortable, for some reason forgetting that Mingyu was right next to him. He turned on his side and came face to face with Mingyu's chest.

He was face to chest with Mingyu.

He panicked and was about to speak when Mingyu beat him to it.

"Shush. I'm fine, are you okay?"

"Uh- yeah." Wonwoo nodded as if Mingyu could see him.

"I'll be awake for as long as you are. You don't have to worry Wonwoo." Mingyu moved his head a little when he felt wonwoos hair tickle his chin a bit.

"I'm here." He finally voiced out, getting comfortable with wonwoos head on his arm.

Wonwoo wrestled with his own racing thoughts that whispered unhelpful words to him. Telling him there was no way he'd fall asleep and no point in even trying anymore or that he simply didn't deserve to sleep or rest in any way. And for a very long time he has succumbed to such thoughts. Until now, because for the the first time in as long as he could remember Wonwoo had felt deserving of sleep but most importantly, he also felt safe.

Safe in mingyu's arms.

And wonwoo was awake for a little longer after that, his brain trying to process what was going on and what Mingyu had just said to him. He heard the other boys laughing and talking but he only really thought about Mingyu saying 'I'm here' as he closed his eyes, slipping into a blissful oblivion.

It was a dreamless sleep for Wonwoo and even though he wouldn't understand until the morning came. It was a first of many.

Hi guys, I'm sorry for not being able to update every Friday like I had wanted to but I realized that it's harder said than done hahaha. Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well!!!

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