Chapter Three - Star

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The first day, I tried my best to run him ragged. But all I wound up doing was exhausted myself. Dragon ever seem to be in a rush for anything.

One day morphed into another and another. My father called to check in and reminded me that if Dragon quit, there would be hell to pay. I wasn't sure why he was so hellbent on this man.

Even as the days went by, I became more and more curious at him, but I still wanted him gone. I tried waking up earlier than him and ruin his sleep. Usually, I didn't get out of bed until around ten in the morning. Only, when I woke at seven in the morning, it seemed Dragon had already been up, gone for a run, showered and dressed. When I knocked on the double doors leading to the wing he'd be occupying, he stepped out, slurping through a straw on what looked to be a premade protein shake.

"I'll be running errands today with some friends." I told him, lifting my chin. "I'll expect you to be ready in one hour."

He cocked his head to the side. "Between the both of us, which of us is dressed?"

Huffing, I stormed across the corridor to my wing and slammed the door behind me. I could see the cocky look on his face without even seeing his damn mug. Still, I showered, checked with my friends to see where to meet them. Ohm decided he'd drive and pick us all up. It was better than taking more than one vehicle. When I told this to Dragon, he merely tapped the helmet sitting on the floor by his feet.

"I have my own, thank you."

That gave me an idea.

Ohm picked me up and I slid into the passenger seat of the car and immediately told him my plans. Ohm frowned.

"Dude, you're really going to call your father's bluff?" Ohm asked.

"We both know if this guy quits you father won't hesitate to make you hurt." Ya spoke up. "What's the worse thing about having him around?"

She glanced back and out of habit, I did the same to see he was behind us, decked out in all black, looking all kinds of dangerous.

I cleared my throat. "My father is bluffing."

At the mall, we went into the first couple stores. I bought a bunch of things I didn't need then turned to him. He was walking on his phone but at least looked at me when I demanded him carry the bags. Dragon accepted them but the moment I turned to walk away, he headed across the hall of the luxury mall, and stepped on the garbage pedestal.

"Hey!" I screech then took off running toward him. "What are you doing?"

Before I could reach him, he dumped my bags into the garbage can, used his foot to force them in then stepped back. I shoved at his shoulder but the rage that I saw in his eyes caused me to catch my breath. Still, I tried pushing him again. This time, Dragon flicked my forehead with his index finger, sending pain through me.

"Find yourself a maid." He growled at me.

Ohm and Ya snickered to the side which only sent my anger even higher as I struggled to get the bags back out. Instead of helping me, he merely walked off down the hall with Ohm. Ya stopped to help me but said nothing. From the look on her face, I could tell she wanted to.

We managed to save my purchases, but I was still livid he'd done what he had.

By then, I wasn't hungry anymore. I wanted to kick Dragon's ass out of spite. Still, I couldn't very well change the plans now. Ohm and Ya questioned anything and I wasn't in the mood to answer any of them.

With a deep breath, we went out to eat.

I tried losing him in the streets and thought I'd been successful. Yet, when we arrived at my favourite restaurant, he was already there, sitting like a King, legs crossed while sipping from a teacup.

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