Chapter Twenty-Six - Dragon

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Checking both ways, I ran across the street with my hood on, and hopped the fence. When I landed on the other side, it was evident to me the building had been abandoned. It was the address one of P'Gun's friends found for Green Wednesday.

Still, I made my way around the building, checking out the exterior before removing my jacket. I wrapped it around my first and shoved it through the window. For a moment, I waited to hear any alarms. When nothing went off, I put the jacket back on and hoisted myself through the window.

Using my phone for a light, I took a look around the place. There wasn't really anything there. I was heading back to the ground floor again when something caught my eye. Walking over, I gripped the edge and tugged upward. To my surprise, it came out easily sending me tumbling backward. When I looked at what I'd gotten, I noticed it was an I.D card.

Turning it over in my hand, I was stunned to see who it belonged to. "This can't be—"

The sound of a door opening caught my attention and I quickly turned off the light and moved into a small room to the left. I pushed the door up enough to hide but not enough to close it all the way. A shadowed figure stepped into the room, moving a flashlight around the space. I was pretty sure it was a man—the size of the body and the way the person moved around.

He was looking for something—behind an old desk, under it. He moved across the floor like soldier carrying out a grid-search.

Though I wanted to see who he was, I remained where I was, watching him closely, to see if he did find what he was looking for. The man glanced up and I held my breath.

He proceeded up the stairs and I knew following him would be a risk. I waited until he made it to the top of the stairs before I followed. Being careful not to make the stairs creak, I inched up, ensuring the doors were open until I found the room where he was. When I finally found him, he was on his knees searching beneath an old desk.

Finally, he stood and was heading back toward the door. I had to make a decision then—take the man down to find out who he was and what he was looking for or let him leave. As he exited the door, I backed up and surged forward, catching him across the chest with one arm. He took air and slammed to his back on the hard floor.

Grunting, the man tried standing.

I spun and brought a foot down toward his head. He caught my arm and shoved. I backflipped and landed on a knee with my arm down to stop my descent. I looked up in time to roll out of the way of another kick, caught his leg and slammed my elbow down into his knee.

The bone snapped, I heard it echo through the room over the scuffling of my boots in the dust. Though he was hurt, the man still lunged at me. Catching his arm, I spun him away from me and released him. He landed face-first, coughing and sputtering.

Panting, I dropped a booted foot into the center of his back. "Stay." I growled while pulling out my cell. I turned the light on and hunched down to flip him over.

Holding the phone up, I frowned. "Tanawat Gan, I presume."

He struggled but I simply braced a palm to his chest. To keep him down.

"Only, that's not your real name." I spoke. "You're using the name of a character from Star's game. So, my question now is, who the hell are you?"

He said nothing.

I eased up only shoved into his chest. He groaned.

"I really hate repeating myself. Who are you?"

When it seemed as if he wasn't going to speak, I smiled and leaned in even closer. "Okay. You and I are about to spend some quality time together. And don't worry, all the party favours will be on me."

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