Chapter Seventeen - Dragon

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Star removed his shirt and dropped it on the floor beside the bed. I closed my eyes trying to keep my promise of staying hands off. There were so many people that would probably not be happy with Star and I being together. In that moment, all I could think of was him—of the way his body made me feel, of losing control and hurting him.

I opened my eyes to I kneel between Star's legs and looked down at his body. He was a lot sexier than I'd imagined. His body was sleek like a simmer's and flawless. I bit my bottom lip, as my hands took on a mind of their own. They lifted and hovered over his abs.

Curling my fingers, I licked my lips.

"You can touch me." Star whispered.

"I..." Dragon swallowed.

Leaning forward, I kissed his forehead, between his eyes the braced my palms outside his head.

Star's body felt magical beneath me. Holding onto my control was harder than it had ever been. As I stared into his eyes, my body heated. Closing my eyes, I rolled away from him, stuck my feet out of the bed and buried my face in my palms.


Star pressed his palms to my shoulder. He leaned his body into my back before snaking his arms around my shoulders and pressed his chin against the side of my head. "You don't have to be scared I'll reject you. I want this."

"That's not it."

"Then what is it?" Star pushed softly. "Is it that my body isn't what you thought it would be?"

When I said nothing, Star scrambled from the bed. "I'm sorry."

Shifting, I reached for his arm and pulled him back toward me. "This has nothing to do with—"

"It's fine." Star averted his eyes. "I'm not everyone's type. I was only hoping that I'd be—that I'd be yours. You don't have to apologize. I understand everyone has the kind of person they're attracted to and—"

Pushing him to his back, I climbed over him and kissed him deeply, roughly. I kissed him until my body trembled and every part of me felt as if I was consumed by fire.

"I don't think you'll be attracted to me once you see my body." My voice cracked. "I'm not perfect and you can do so much better."

"Stop saying that." Star pushed at my shoulders.

I used that as an excuse to climb off him. Exhaling, I stared at Star.

"I know what I want." Star told me. "I'm trying to be better. People my age they have their live in order and I'm not there yet. But I'm trying because I know you..."

"The hesitation isn't about that, Star."

"Then what?"

I stood and peeled my shirt over my head. When I dropped it to the floor, I stepped closer to him so he could see the scars—the one above my left pec, the one against my right side. I watched his eyes travel over them before I turned to show him my back.

Star gasped softly and I stepped away to pick up my shirt. Without speaking, I left the room and locked myself in mine. Star came after me, but I couldn't face him. After the way he looked at me when he thought we were going to make love, I didn't want to see those eyes fill with disgust at the thought of what my body looked like.

It would kill me.

What was I thinking?

Eventually, Star left me alone and I put in a call to Gun.

A few hours later, Gun arrived at the house. Star didn't come out of his room so I could only guess he had fallen asleep.

"Stay with him." I told Gun.

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