Chapter Fourteen - Dragon

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Before going back to the house by the beach, I stopped to see Star's father. I needed to have a talk with him. As we talked, I stood by the glass, staring down at the city, wondering what was happening back at the house. A few times, he had to call my name strongly to get my attention.

"There's something about the attacks." I mused more to myself than him. "It's almost as if—"

"Almost as if what?"

I shook my head, uncrossed my arms and turned to look at him. "Nothing. I wanted to make sure there isn't some business deal of yours that went wrong. That could have been the lead we needed."

"Have you looked into the fights he's had?"

"Yes." I replied. "They are usually just scuffles, nothing to kill over. I should head back, P."

I offered him wai and was heading for the door when he caught my arm.

"There's something different about the way you talk about my son." He told me. "Did something happen?"

I cleared my throat. "Something?"

He released me but didn't look away. "I don't know."

After offering him a smile, I repeated my need to leave and did make my escape. My heart raced as I hurried toward my cycle, wondering if he knew how desperately I wanted Star's body. I wondered if he knew that I'd kissed Star in a way no one else had ever kissed him and I didn't want to stop.

Did he know I wanted to taste Star in places no other person had, that I wanted to feel Star hot and running on my tongue. Did he know that I wanted to crawl into his son, to love him in ways that would probably damn me for an eternity?

By the time I arrived back at the house, my back ached and I was irritated at best. The ride had taken longer that I would have liked, and Nice's car was still there. I shut off the engine and called my father again.

"She's still here." I told him the moment he picked up.

"Are you trying to be alone with Star, son?"

"Pa." I grunted. "I am perfectly happy dragging her out kicking and screaming."

"I taught you better than that."

"Then her father has failed to teach her that when a man says no, that's what he means." I rumbled.


"Why do you think she came here after you let it slip?" I demanded. "She has it in her head that I would have changed my mind or she can fix me. Do what you need to do, to get her out of this house. I can't do my job with her here. If she's not gone by morning, Star and I will be and you or his father will not know where we are."

My father grunted but I hung up the phone, checked the gate and surrounding area and entered through a side door. The television was on in the living room and I inched my way forward to see who was watching.

Star was asleep on the sofa, the remote on his chest. Shaking my head, I stepped forward and sat beside him on the sofa. I leaned forward and brushed my lips across his forehead. After dropping a kiss between his eyes, I allowed my lips to wander down to the tip of his nose for another kiss.

He moaned. "You're back."

"Mmm." I sat up.

"How was your day?"

"Long." I replied. "My back is sore. But I'm okay. Have you eaten?"

Star shook his head. "I was waiting for you."

"Want to go out for dinner?" I asked. "Maybe somewhere on the beach?"


"I'd like to go out for dinner." Nice called from the door.

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