Chapter Twelve - Star

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I stood at the top of the stairs and waited for Dragon to walk into the kitchen. Eavesdropping wasn't what I had intended. I was going to get a drink but seeing him leave his room and made for the stairs caught my attention. Once his footsteps stopped, I tiptoed after him and hid in a small little space outside the kitchen.

"So, you like to watch?" Dragon asked P'Nice.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She told him.

It was obvious she's lying. Dragon had this way about him that he could pick up on things easily. He wouldn't have accused her of watching us if he hadn't caught her. I'd been so turned on by him, I didn't fell or sense anything.

My cheeks flushed.

"Do you always touch him like that?" Nice wanted to know. "The way you held him..."

"I thought you weren't watching."

"Of course, I lied." She screeched.

"Keep your voice down!" Dragon demanded. "I will not have you upset Star."

My heart raced.

"You're protecting him like this? My father says it's just a job. You precious Star is just a job."

"Did you see the way I kissed him, Nice?" Dragon asked her, his voice now scaring me at it's softness. "Do you think I'd kiss him that way if he was just a job?"

"I can't breathe." Her voice trembled.

"I need you to leave." Dragon growled at her. "If you're here to cause trouble..."

"Cause trouble?" She snapped. "You know how I feel about you! You know how I've always felt about you. Yet you're going to chose him? He's a man! What can he do for you that I can't? What is he to you?"

"What Star and I are to each other is none of your business." Dragon informed her. "You've known since I was a teenager that I have no interest in you. That has not changed. You've known since my first year in the military that I liked men. I'm not unsure what the confusion is."

"I can make you better!"

"Better?" Dragon asked, disbelief in his voice. "Do you think I'm ill?"

"Why else would you prefer a man?"

"You can either leave on your own, Nice." Dragon told her. "I can help you leave, or I can have my father come and get you. Chose."

"I'm not leaving."

"Very well." Dragon stormed from the room.

"P!" She called after him. "I love you!"

But dragon didn't stop. I pushed my body into the coat closet and waited until his thunderous footsteps had vanished up the stairs before peeking out.

The hall was clear, and the space was so silent that I didn't realize Nice was in the kitchen until it was too late. When I stepped into the room, she quickly wiped her tears. I ignored her. I was in a precarious position with Dragon, trying to figure out who I felt about him and what I wanted from him.

With my mind running a mile minute, I opened the fridge to pull out a bowl of fruits. As I set it on the counter, she shoved at my shoulder.

"This is your fault!" She accused.

"I don't see how." I replied. "He liked men before I met him and he disliked you for that long. So, explain to me how this is my fault."

She screeched. "I'll ruin you."

I frowned. "You don't want to start this war."

She huffed and stormed out of the room. I exhaled and looked into the fruits. Though I shoved some into my mouth, I wondered what all that meant. If she wanted a fight, I'll give her a fight. Falling for Demon wasn't a joke to me. Every moment I spent with him, every kiss we shared pushed me further and further into that place where my heart skipped a beat.

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