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"J-jugyeong-ah" seojun said moving closer to her. She wanted to move back but she was too shocked....her mind and heart both telling her to run away but she just couldnt do it.

Seojun was now infront of her caressing her cheeks "its not what it looks like." He said "then what is it?? Huh what is it?!!! I saw u with my own eyes" she yelled hitting his chest with her palms.

"She-she was about to fall and i just c-caught her" he said making jugyeong shake her hand and releasing herself from his grip and starting walking towards

"You!!!! Everything was perfectly fine until u showed up again in his life!!!!!! U want to know why i have been glaring at u?? Its because u dont see the way he looks at u like i see it!!!! And here he was pushing u against his chest saying that he was catching u!!! I dont care if u were about to fall....it serves u right u cheap looking dollar store toy that everyone uses. I wish u die......thats what u deserve.,to be forgotteen....no one would remember u" Jugyeong said and left.

Y/n broke down on the floor crying....her bare legs on the sand with her face in her hands. never in her life anyone said anything like that to her. She never recieved a death wish either which broke her more. She admired jugyeong......but now that she sees her true colors nothing but haterd is felt towards her once called friend

Seojun watched his best friend crying at what his girlfriend has just told her. She was completely wrong. Everything wasnt fine until she showed up again. He was hurting inside but acted like it was fine infront of his girlfriend. y/n doesnt deserve dying either.....she deserves happiness and just that. She is far from cheap.....she is precious and unique....everyone would want a y/n in their lives but only a few get her. And he was lucky he was one of the few but his girlfriend is trying to take that away from him. Which he felt mad about

He was thinking.....it was a hard decision.....its either his girlfriend or his bestfriend. He looked at the girl who was crying her heart out on the floor before cussing under his breath and went after his girlfriend.

Y/n was still crying......it hurt her....she was told that she is cheap.....that she was a toy everyone uses....that she deserves dying......to be burried 6 feet under the ground....so that no one would remember she even existed one day

Min-jun and seo-yoon felt bad for the girl and crawled down beside her hugging her each from a side which made her cry even more.

Now, to y/n everyone is using her.....she is a toy just like jugyeong said.....her mind was clouded by the words she just heard which made her blind.....she couldnt see how ppl care for her.

She just pushed their hands away and started running very fast......aimlessly. Min-jun who had tried running after her lost track of where she went.

Jugyeong and seojun were arguing loudly in their room which woke everyone up.

Not until loud knocks were heard on the door. "Guys y/n....she-" but min-jun was cut off by seojun "what happened to y/n" he panicked making jugyeong scoff
"She ran away....i ran after her but i lost her.....i tried calling tooo but i cant reach"

All of their eyes were wide except for one person jugyeong,who was happy......she felt that now her only obstacle is gone she may get seojun back to herself......or she only thought so.

With y/n missing.....things will change.....the story will turn upside down just like a roller coaster. Jugyeong..who had a huge grin on her face.

Little did she know that the end of her story with han seojun will come sooon.


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