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Sitting in English class was really boring. Mr Parker went on and on about whatever he was talking about and I was deep in my thoughts about what would happen at Niall's house today. It wasn't that hard to hide my feelings but sometimes it did become difficult.

When Niall would introduce me to his girlfriends my heart would sink but being the best friend I am I would always support him no matter what.

The bell finally rang freeing me from the boredom. I stuffed all my stuff in my bag and left the classroom. I walked out to the parking lot and walked to Niall's car. I kept my bag on the bonnet and climbed on it carefully, swaying my legs for no damn reason. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and scrolled through Instagram aimlessly. I kept looking up from time to time to check for Niall, but I stopped when I saw him walking towards the car with his fingers intertwined with a girls, who I know as Laura Collins.

I calmed my inner turmoil and hopped off the car. I picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. As Niall neared the car and our eyes met, his smile faded. He reached up to me and looked .... Guilty?

"Uh ... Lana. I'm sorry but we will have to cancel our plans for today."

I was confused.

"What! Why?"

"I'm taking Laura out." He said looking at Laura and then at me. I could feel my eyes water and tried my level best to control my tears.

"Oh, okay! Go ahead. I'll go meet Maura alone. Have a nice time." I smiled and left not bothering to give him a hug like usual.

I expected him to stop me or something but it didn't happen, just like usual. All I heard was the engine coming to life and the car going past me. I looked down and wiped my tears. Its okay Alana, you're used to it.

I left the school gates and walked on the streets, kicking the pebbles. I didn't have my car as Ashley was my ride and well I was supposed to leave with Niall, so yeah.

As soon as I neared Niall's house, I increased my pace. I walked through the gate and rang the doorbell. Niall's parents were wealthy to say in the least. Bobby was a lawyer and Maura an Interior designer. Greg, Niall's older brother was also working in a multinational company, so money was never a problem for them.

The door opened, revealing Maura. I smiled and tackled her in a hug.

"I missed you, Maura." I snuggled into her neck.

"I missed you too Alana, get inside its cold out." She said ushering me in.

I took my shoes out as she closed the door behind me. I dropped my bag on the side table and plopped down on the sofa.

"How was school?" Maura asked as she rummaged through the cupboards in the open kitchen.

"School was good but maths is always being a pain in the bum," I said and heard her laugh.

She plopped down on the sofa handling me a small tub of ice-cream while she ate popcorn.

"What do you want to talk about? Ice cream doesn't come out for no purpose." I said making her chuckle.

"Its Niall," she said, her voice low. I could make out that she was upset about what was bothering her.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"Greg proposed Denise two days ago." I dropped the spoon and covered my mouth with my hands.

"Oh my god." I squealed. "He's getting married. There was no way she would say no." I gushed.

"She said 'yes' indeed but ...." She stopped rubbing her temple.

"But its really bothering Niall." What? Why?

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Where stories live. Discover now