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Read the authors note in the end. Please comment while reading, it makes me happy :)


Getting up after a long night was a tedious task. I groaned for the umpteenth time before getting up. I don't know what snapped in Niall's head but whatever it was affected me too much. Okay, I didn't do anything wrong, so why was Niall so pissed? I guess I'll have to see it in school.

"Morning Maa," I said once I got out of my room.

"Morning sweet cheeks, breakfast is ready." She chirped, making me cringe.

"I'm in no mood for breakfast."

"What's wrong Lana?" Dad asked walking up to me.

"Niall's pissed at me, I'm pissed at Niall, we are pissed at each other in this pissing world." I huffed and heard my father snicker earning a glare from me.

"Figures, so don't forget to eat something at school." I heard my mum say as I walked outside the door, huffing to myself.

As I was about to open my car, a loud and obnoxious honk scared the living daylights out of me. I turned around, with a scowl on my face, to see my best friend sitting in his car, still honking. I covered my ears with my hands and speed-walked towards him.

"Will you stop honking! My neighbours will get angry."

"Get in the car," Niall said not looking at me.

"I was expecting an apology," I stated. "I'm not in your filthy car." I spat.

"Don't piss me off and get inside the damn car." He said, his anger building up.

"You're already pissed off so I won't bother. I have a car you know." I said and turned to walk back to my car.

"Stop dammit. You're coming with me whether you like it or not." He yelled.

"Oh, I thought Laura would be 'coming' as you yourself said yesterday that she was a good help." I snickered.

"This is no time for snarky jokes." He warned. "Get inside the car."

I huffed in frustration and walked to his car. I got inside and slammed the door loudly.

"Easy there." He glared at me.

He turned and lent back grabbing something from the back seat. He placed a sandwich and cold coffee in my hands.

"Now don't question me and eat it up quietly. I knew you wouldn't eat anything so I made it myself." Even though I was pissed at him a genuine smile crept up my lips.

"You didn't have to," I said, my voice quiet lower.

"I know." He smiled at me.

Soon school came and I had filled my stomach, for which Niall earned a loud burp from me.

"Bye Niall," I said once I got out of the car, parked in the parking lot.

"Alana wait." He jogged up to me.


"Stay away from Eric okay?"

"Yeah. And you too, please. Don't go all Hulk on him." I pleaded.

"I can't promise." I knew there wasn't any point in arguing with him. I sighed and turned, walking into school.

I walked into my first class and sat in my seat as usual. I thanked the god that I didn't have a photography class today, so I didn't have to face Eric hopefully. I waved at Liam and Ashley who sat two seats ahead of me.

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Where stories live. Discover now