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I kissed Niall. I kissed Niall. I kissed Niall. I kissed Niall. I kissed Niall. I kissed Niall. That's the only thing roaming around in my head for a week. I feel bad that probably it didn't mean anything to Niall and it was just a spur of the moment. But for me? I was on cloud 1000.

My parents have been questioning my happiness and at a time my father even guessed it was because of Niall.

Anyways, I declined all they said and laid on my bed, covered in the sheets, a giggling mess. That night I dreamt of him. Again.

Snap out of it Alana! You have work to go to! With a content sigh, I let go of the towel around my body and put on my clothes.

I walked out of the room with my handbag. Mom greeted me with a kiss on my forehead and I sat on the counter seat. She passed me a plate of sliced apple.

"Oh, baby! Maura asked me if you chose your prom dress yet." Mom said all of a sudden as I was halfway through eating. I shook my head.

"No one has even asked me yet."

"So what? You can still go as a stag. It's just a week away. But it would be so much better if you went with Niall." She muttered.

"Mother, Niall likes a girl and he is going to ask her for prom. There is no way I am going with him." I sighed.

She plopped down beside me.

"What a bummer." She pouted.

"I'm as excited as you are about prom, mom. But the fact that I'll have to go alone has completely toned it down."

"Hey. It's okay to go alone for Prom. I went alone. Your papa didn't have the guts to ask me for prom. Sadly, I had to go alone."

"Really? I didn't know about this."

She chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"And now look where I am. In his house, talking to our kid. Get the hint kid."

"Mum what?" I asked completely confused. What is she hinting? Niall? What?

"Nothing. How's that Derek kid?"

"He's okay. Haven't spoken to him for a week." I said.

"Oh, he is cute. Do you like him?" I blushed.

"He's a good guy.... but no."

"Oh, why?" I shrugged and continued eating. "You like someone else, don't you?" Mom yelped.

I slapped my forehead. "For the love of god, chill down mother." I shook my head.

"I don't like someone else," I muttered.

"You sure don't." She snorted. 

Although I was happy about kissing Niall, in the back of my mind, I was upset about going alone to Prom. That is definitely not the way I had imagined it. On top of that, Niall going with someone else just elevates it to another grand level.

I push myself off of the seat and trudge towards the door.

"Bye Maa, see you later." I say aloud.

"Bye, sweetie." I hear her say as I make my way towards the car.


"Melanie, I really think you should go out with him. He seems to be trying hard." I push her.

"I know Alana. Owen seems like a nice guy, but .."

"Its about Lucas isn't it?"

She nods sadly.

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Where stories live. Discover now