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"Alana I need you right now." He breathed.

I took a step backwards and gulped. This is so awkward. Derek still had me in his hold, which I was trying to get away from. But unfortunately, he won't let me.

"Mate, let her go," Niall said taking a step forward. Derek's grip on my waist tightened making me squirm.

"And who are you to tell me that?" Derek spat.

I somehow managed to get out of his grip and stood between the two.

I turned to look at Niall and gave him a confused look. I looked at Derek and sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow Derek," I said making him look a little taken aback. If he thinks that I would choose him over Niall, he is definitely wrong. Its Niall over any goddamn one.

"What? You're pushing me away because of him?" He asked, his voice low.

"I'm not pushing you away. We can talk about this at school Derek. I had a good time." I smiled, easing the situation. He shook his head and sighed.

"Fine. I had a good time to, I'll see you tomorrow Lana." He said gruffly. He lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles. He gave Niall a cold look and walked away to his car. As soon as he sat, the engine came to life and he drove off.

I took a deep breath and turned on my heels.

"What, was that?" I asked. My eyes narrowing at him.

"What was what? I had to tell him to back off." He said, sounding offended.

"Not that. He was going to kiss me." I stated.

"So that's what you're worried about?" He asked.

Seriously, I wasn't worried about it, not even a little bit. I just had to say something for Niall to talk it.

"Well you just walked in on us, what do you expect me to say."

He scoffed.

"Can we go inside? I want to tell you something." He said.

"Fine." I huffed and opened my bag to remove my key. But before I could do anything else, Niall opened the door.

"I had my key." He said. I eyed him up and down and walked past him.

I went straight to my room and sat on my bed waiting for an explanation.

Niall took his shoes and socks off and laid on my bed. I hit his calf and pointed him to sit straight, but he wouldn't move. I groaned and laid down on my side of the bed.

"Are you going to speak up?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Laura broke up with me." I sat up straight.

"What?" I yelled.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"That's why you banged the table at the café," I said, more to myself. He nodded. "But why?" I asked confused.

He gulped and looked away.

"Niall talk," I ordered. He didn't move a muscle.

"Niall James Horan, you better start using words or else I swear to god I'll --"

"I like someone else." He whispered.

"You what?"

"I like some--"

"No I heard that, who the hell do you like now?" I asked.

God, when will this boy give me a chance? Sandra, Mary, Georgie, Laura and now some other chick!

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