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I shut my locker, huffing as it closed only after a million times of applying pressure and walked towards the canteen. Math was being a pain in the ass and I desperately needed coffee to calm me down. I clutched my books tighter to my chest, entering the canteen. Various people giving me smiles and I returned them.

I sat on the long table waiting for at least one of my friends to join me. I kept the books on the table and rubbed my temple. Math was always my weakness. I always scored badly in it. It was the only subject which I was horrible in, others were straight A's.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I swiftly turned to see Ashley Watson, the bomb of school, my best friend standing. She raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner and I shook my head.

She sat down beside me and kept her bag between us.

"Math again?" I sighed and nodded.

"Oh don't worry. You know Niall will help you." A genuine smile crept up my face and I nodded.

"I know, it just gets to my nerves sometimes."

We heard loud laughing, which made us turn in our seats. Lily Evans and Kate Steel, the other two girls of our group came up to us, chatting away with all their might.

"Hey Alana, Hi Ash." They greeted us and took the seat in front of us. They were always stuck at the hip.

To introduce them won't be difficult.

Lily Evans, was a very outgoing girl. She wouldn't think twice before saying anything. She says what she thinks. Its a good attitude but it has made her land in many problems.

Kate Steel was Kate Steel. She could be a bitch to you many times but she would never hurt you on purpose. People tend to dislike her more but if they knew how silly she really was they would surely love her. She is the bossy one in our group. She will create a fit if someone doesn't listen to her, but in the end, will side with everyone. Also a confused soul.

Ashley Watson, my second best friend to be precise, is a gem. She is drop-dead gorgeous. She is that type of a girl which boys want their mothers to meet, take her to dates and pamper her. She has always been there for me when I needed her. We share all our secrets, except one, which no one knows.

"Guess what? Hailey is throwing a party for her boyfriend." Lily said excitedly.

"And how do you know that?" Ashley asked completely interested in her talks.

"We were eavesdropping," Kate said and they giggled. I smiled and shook my head.

"Speaking of boyfriends, where is mine?" Ashley said her eyes scanning the canteen.

I looked around with her to see the guys standing afar. Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and lastly Niall Horan.

This was our group. The boys weren't the jocks or 'bad boys' of the school as you would term them. I won't lie, they were pretty boys. There wasn't much bullying in our school, but if there was any, these boys were always there to fight against it. Our group was popular in the whole school for one, us girls being friendly and two the boys. Girls fell for them very easily. Among them, the brown-eyed doe, Liam Payne was taken by Ashley. The remaining of us staying single. Lily had her hots for Louis and Kate for Harry but none of the four was ready to express their feelings. Zayn was single for a reason, him being a 'one-woman man'. I appreciated Zayn a lot about this. Not many guys are like this. As of Niall, he, well has had his ups and downs in relationships. Every next girl he dates, he assumes is his true love, but always fails. And for me, I am happily in love with my books ..... And a certain someone.

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