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Niall's POV

She was silent, dead silent to be precise. I know what happened to her must-have shook her up, but not this much. The only sound that was heard was her sniffs. It was tearing me apart. Alana is a very strong girl. I know that she has the potential and will stay strong. I parked the car outside her house and turned to look at her.

"Alana, we're here." I shook her shoulder.

"Huh- what?" She shook her head. She looked at her house and realised that we had reached.

"I haven't told mum about what happened with Eric at the party." She sighed, peering down at her tiny hands.

I groaned. "I very clearly remember that I told you to tell them. Why don't you listen to me for once."

"I was scared of Papa's reaction."

"You need to tell him to see his reaction, Alana. Now, what are you going to do? What will you tell them?"

She rubbed her temple and mumbled something.

"Take me away from here please." She whispered.

"You want to go there?"



She didn't wait for me as I parked the car. Once the engine was off, she ran out of the car towards the old dusty swing set. I locked the car and walked towards it. I sat on the old wooden seat which was only metres away from the swing set.

This was our place. About seven years back, I remember it was a very happy day. It was Alana's birthday and we decided to ditch her birthday party. Fools, like we were, we ran to what seemed so far and stopped at this park. It wasn't a restricted area, but an empty and broken park. The only things that seemed intact were the swing set and this seat. She ran to the swing set, giggling that she could go very high on it. I sat looking at her, a small smile on my lips. She was wearing a grey frock and I was wearing grey pants with a white shirt. We loved being colour coordinated. We still do. She pushed herself high and giggled, claiming that no one could go as high as she could. I agreed with her knowing it would make her smile.

Every time we came here, for whatsoever reason it may be, I sat on this very seat looking at the beautiful girl, sitting on the swing. The last time we came here together was when we had kissed. We were 14 at that time. Peer pressure was on a toll in school, seeing everyone grow and have boyfriends was weird for her, she forced me to come here. We sat in silence for about half an hour when I stood up and went to sit beside her on the adjacent swing. She eyed me up and down and looked away into the horizon. I asked her how she wanted her first kiss to be. She said that she wanted to have her first kiss here, in the park, when the sky was a palette of blue, orange, red, pink and yellow, where the birds were chirping, and where her guy would pull her in his arms and kiss her. She spoke the words of my mind, how I wanted my first kiss. I stood up, turning towards her and pulled her in my arms. Our noses brushed and she shivered, I kissed her forehead. Slowly, I dipped my head and placed my lips on hers, kissing her with all my heart. She broke apart, breathing heavily, a delicate smile on her face. I hugged her and she tightened her grip on me, telling her it was the same way I wanted my first kiss to be.

That was the last time we came here together, she might have come here alone afterwards but I'm not sure. Looking back, I know that what I did was right. Her being my first kiss was the best thing that could ever happen to me. Our mothers have decided to play matchmaker unless we get married to each other. As much as I want to disagree on this, I can't because I do feel for her. I have always felt a spark with her. I don't know if she likes me or not, but I surely do. More than that.  But this is wrong, I'm wrong for her. She doesn't need a guy who is jealous of his own brother, she doesn't need a guy who sleeps around with girls. I'm not who she wants. She needs someone like Derek, sweet and charming. I've seen the way he looks at her. She doesn't know that when she is concentrating on maths and chewing on her pencil I stare at her. She doesn't know that I always have the cold coffee ordered before she even reaches the cafeteria. She doesn't know that I date so many girls, looking at them, searching in them that quality which only she possesses. She is what I need, and deep down I know, she deserves better. I won't ever tell her that I love her, but if she does love me, our fairy tale would be perfect. But sometimes love is better unspoken.

Alana's POV

I'm not pushing the swing, I don't feel like it and this is the first time ever. I've loved swinging but not today. I know I am a strong person, I know I can face that cunt of a guy again. But the constant fear of him touching me creeps me out. I told Niall to bring me here because I knew I'll be calm. The cold breeze here always ends up making me calm. I've come here with Niall together after 4 years. The last time when we came here, we ended up kissing. I can't help but blush at the thought. We gave up our first kisses to each other in this very park. God he is all I want, even when he is jealous of Greg, even though he sleeps around, even though he won't ever let me be the little spoon, even though he fights a lot with Bobby all the time, even though he won't love me.

"Why aren't you swinging?" I shook my head, hearing his voice and shrugged.

He walked behind me and pulled at the handles of the swing. He pulled me behind and then pushed ahead. Without any words exchanged he made me swing. As I picked up the pace, he stood aside with his arms folded and looked at me. A smile played on my lips as the wind, pushed my hair back and forth. I always swing the highest, Niall agrees.

Eventually, I stopped and gestured Niall to sit on the swing beside mine.

"I won't tell mum and papa," I said. "I don't want them to know about it. I'll be strong and face Eric."

"But it's not the right thing to do Alana."

"I know, but it's better this way."

He nodded and stood up. He held out his hand and I accepted it. He pulled me with him and we walked towards the car. I stopped mid-track making Niall stop abruptly.

"Thank you, Niall. I don't know what would I have done without you. I don't thank you enough for what you do for me. You warned me about Eric and I was stupid enough not to believe you. I'm really sorry." I said and hugged him. He chuckled into my hair and pulled apart.

He brought his hands to my face and cupped my cheeks, on instinct I leant into his warmth.

"You never need to thank me for what I do for you. You are my best friend, my other half, and you know as much as you need me, I need you too. You were there when Sandra broke my heart, you were there to be my first kiss, you were there when the dog bit me when we were 10, you were there when I swallowed a crayon, you have been there whenever I needed you. And I will be there even when you won't need me because deep down you still need me." He smiled. "So you don't need to thank me for what I do for you, because you are the best person in my life." He said and pulled me in a death grip.

I didn't want to move away. Even though my insides hurt because of the words he spoke, I didn't want to pull away. This is what I love about him, he knows that I need him no matter what. I will always need him in everything. I need to tell him that my stomach pains a lot during periods and he won't even cringe, I need him to bring me coffee, I need him to calm me down. I need him because I love him.

Eventually, we parted away and walked towards the car. School time was over so we decided to go home. He opened the door for me and strapped my seat belt on. He went to his side and we silently drove to my place. He placed his hand on my thigh throughout the ride, making me smile at his sincere gesture. Once he stopped the car outside my house, he kissed my forehead and told me to take care. I got down and opened the back door to take my bag and phone. I stood outside the passenger door and waved at him. But when I turned to walk inside my house, it was like my mind was playing tricks. I know he has said it to me many times but it sounded too different. Niall spoke the words which I was dying to hear.

"I love you."


This chapter made me cry a lot. This is my best and favourite chapter yet.

-Pre xx

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