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Niall's POV

I could see tears brimming in her eyes and threatening to fall out. I have no idea why I get so protective over her when it comes to boys. She is too damn pure for any guy. It even pissed me off when she sat on Zayn's lap. She is my best friend, she will sit on my lap, not his .... Oh, wait, Laura was on my lap.

She hiccuped and pulled me by the collar of my shirt, making me stand in eye-level with her.

"I'll show you what a whore can do." She said and pushed me back, making me fall on the seat. She trudged to where the bar was and sat beside a boy. Fucking Eric. FUCK!

"What the fuck was that Niall?" Ash yelled.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down.

"You're sorry? You know if someone else would have called her that she would have taken it as a joke but she believes every word you say as a prayer." Zayn said, his voice too loud for my liking.

"I know, I regret it. I'll apologise."

"You very well should regret it. You shouldn't be so stupid and for once Niall, let her think about herself. All she thinks is what would you say about anything. Just because you are dating now doesn't mean anything. Zayn and Alana are still single and I'm sure she feels lonely seeing us couples, don't you have some pity? And for you're kindest information, I was the one to force her to wear the dress because she found it revealing." Ashley said it all in once and walked away towards the door, Liam looked at me shaking his head and followed her. I sighed.

"Its okay baby, don't take it seriously, she was acting like a whore." Laura said angering me.

"Don't." I spat. "Don't fucking talk about my best friend like that," I yelled and she flinched. She nodded curtly and sat back on the seat a little away from me.

"You know what Laura," Harry said looking into her eyes. "Alana and I may always be bickering about something all the time but I already hate you," Harry said and walked away pulling Kate with him.

"We stand up for our friends not hurt them," Zayn said and walked away too, making me sink into the seat and float in my guilt.

I looked over at Alana, who was now downing a drink? She doesn't fucking drink. What is Eric making her do? I try to keep my composure in my seat. Alana catches my gaze at her as she takes another glass from Eric and downs it. She smirks at me and whispers something in Eric's ear. Whatever it was, Eric was quite eager, he was already on his feet pulling her to the dance floor. They stopped right in the middle, giving me a perfect view of what they were doing.

Alana wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her into his body. I could see Alana flinch away but when she saw me, her composure changed and they swayed to the beats of the music.

I knew she was uncomfortable and she didn't like it. I knew she was doing this only to show me. This is not my Lana. My Lana doesn't attend parties, but she listened to me when I told her to come. My Lana doesn't drink but she did because I upset her. My Lana doesn't act like a slut and go making out with guys, she has only had one kiss and that was me. My Lana isn't a whore, she is the purest and most beautiful girl I have ever seen, even more than my mom.

I see Eric walk towards the bar assuming to get more drinks. By the time, Alana types something on her phone and looks at me. My phone vibrates in my pocket.

Lana: Whore enough?

I looked up to see her grinding her ass on his front. Fucking shit Lana! He wraps his hands around her tiny waist and pulls her into his body tighter. She furrows her eyebrows, not liking what he is doing. I want to stop him but I can't!! I get angst in my seat.

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