Charmaine Styles-Karry One Shot

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Today is the day. The two of us have been waiting for today for a month. A month of paperwork, emotional stress, love and whatnot. Today we get to bring our daughter home.

The last six months have been awful for us, especially for Kate. We got married in a hurry, I laugh when I recall the whole thing. We got pretty drunk and made a call of getting married. Trust me, I would love to go down on one knee for Kate, but she was the one who forced me to get married. When we woke up, I remember seeing myself naked, with Kate by my side on the bed, naked. It didn't really bother me, but when I saw the ring on my finger, I screamed. Really, I did. Kate laughed when she saw her ring. She was sure it was a joke. But when we saw the marriage certificate, our laughter died completely.

We didn't regret it though. We knew we made a blunder, but we sorted it out. We got married the right way in the following month. The first few months of our marriage were like a honeymoon phase, all we did was have sex, to be honest. The responsibility of being married and having someone to take care of was surely kicked in our systems. We earned well. Seeing everyone have kids, sure did make Kate a little jealous and restless.

We tried and tried and tried. It drained her out knowing that even though we put efforts, she just wouldn't conceive. Zarah gave us the opinion was visiting a doctor. I didn't want to do that. Going to the doctor made me feel that there was something wrong with Kate that couldn't make her conceive. I didn't want to think that way. But I had to do what Kate wanted. We both wanted to move forward and have a family.

Tests were done and within a week we got a call from the doctor. I had an intuition that there was something wrong. I just knew. The doctor told us that Kate could not have kids. Her womb didn't have the strength to bear a child and conceive it to term. Everything else about her was fine, except for that.

She took it the worst. At first, she didn't cry. We left the doctors office silently without exchanging any words. The whole day was silent. But the next day she locked herself in the guest room. She would only come out when she ate and wanted to pee. It was horrible to see her like that. No amount of comfort I gave her was calming her down. I know she couldn't be pregnant, but everyone forgot that I could not have a child with my wife too. No one thought that I could not have a family too. I love kids, but I too could not hold one whose blood was mine.

But Kate understood. Something clicked and she came out of that room and comforted me. I did the same. Few months went by completely dazed and sad. Kate even gave me the idea of getting surrogacy done, but I wasn't going to sleep with another lady for a kid. There were other options too of having a baby who had my blood in their veins, but I wanted that with Kate only. We fought a lot about this. She kept yelling at me, saying that I had the opportunity to have a kid, my own blood. But the actual thing that was bothering her was what my mom had to say. She felt that she was letting us down by her disability. When I shared this problem with mom, she had a fight with Kate. She went all robust saying that she wasn't that kind of mother-in-law and she wouldn't do that to her. Everything settled then.

Gemma, my elder sister, gave Kate the hint of adopting. The thought of adoption had actually not crossed our minds. There was no problem in adopting a kid. Kate immediately browsed online about the terms and conditions of adopting.

She was strong for me. She kept saying that God had planned this for us. She could not have kids so that we would adopt and make an orphans life happy. I saw my wife mature to another level with one incident. It's not like I look at her differently but this just made her beautiful to another level, in and out.

Kate and Mum contacted a few NGO's and orphanages and we went to see the children there. We were instructed out there, that if we chose a child, we shouldn't immediately get affectionate with them because it makes the other children restless. As both our incomes were good and we were backed securely, there weren't any problems in the procedures. Once we saw the children, trust me I wanted to take all of them home. But we had settled for one, girl to be precise.

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