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Niall walked up to me now changed in khaki shorts and a white T-shirt, his bag was slung over his right shoulder as he typed on his phone by his left hand. He reached and kissed my forehead.

I've been noticing that these kisses had become very frequent in the last two weeks. Trust me it feels like he is dropping hints but I don't want to move forward on a lost cause.

"You came!" He beamed at me.

"I did."

"Good! Now come on, we are leaving." He said standing up and holding my hand.

"What?" I asked and stood up. "Where are we going?"

"A picnic." He grinned at me. Wait, what?

"A picnic?" I asked.

"Yes, a picnic."

"What about school?" I crossed my arms.

He tapped his index finger on his chin attempting to think deeply.

"Let's just say I have your dad's permission." My eyes lit up.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I cheered.

He chuckled and pulled me down the benches but I stopped when the realisation hit me.

"Niall wait." He stopped abruptly, our entwined hands pulling him back.

"Weren't you supposed to take your crush on a picnic?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

He opened his mouth and shut it a few times and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh yeah." He muttered.

"So, why aren't you?" I asked.

"Because she said no," Niall answered nervously. I could sense he was lying, his body language completely gave it away.

"But you thought about the picnic just last night," I stated.

"Y-Yeah. I asked her last night itself. But she was busy." Oh! So I'm just a rebound. He didn't actually want to take me with him. He didn't want his preparations to go in waste, that is why he is taking me with him. I agree this is hurting me, but I won't let him sense it. I'll suck it up.

"Okay." I chirped, clearly overacting.

Knowing I am out of luck, I understood he sensed my insecurity.

"Don't let your imagination get the best of you. I cancelled everything I had planned last night. But I thought maybe we could have a best friends day." He said cupping my cheeks.

"Okay," I whispered. "Let's go." I took hold of his hand. He grinned and we walked to the parking space.

"Going somewhere?" A voice asked. We turned swiftly to see Derek walking towards us. Niall's grip on my hand tightened.

"Hi, Derek." I smiled up at him.

"Hey, seems like I found you at the wrong time." I chuckled awkwardly and looked at Niall.

"Yeah, we are leaving," Niall stated.

"Oh, somewhere important? You're ditching school."


"Yes, it's very important. Now if you let us leave, it would be very grateful of you." Niall cut me off. I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Sorry about that. I'll meet you tomorrow Derek." I said.

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Where stories live. Discover now