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"James and Claire made it through everything. There were many rough patches in their life. When they got married, they had no idea how to deal with their happiness. James whisked Claire away to Paris for their honeymoon. She had a ball of a time.

Over the years they realised if they hadn't expressed their love and left it Unspoken they wouldn't have been where they are today. The fear of getting embarrassed may stop you from letting your emotions out. But remember, in the long run, if you don't let them out, you will regret it.

It was hard for James to declare his undying love towards Claire. He had competition. More of what, he was scared of rejection because he felt he wasn't good enough for Claire.

Claire felt she did the right thing by waiting for her love. She could not fathom how God played tricks and brought James to her. She was obsessed with him. She would do anything to make him happy. She hated cooking but she tried to make his favourite dishes. She supported him throughout the times when his work was in trouble.

They didn't let the meaning of 'I love you' seem simple. They said it only when they meant it, which was always. Their love was bright and evident. They set an example for people.

When they walked through the streets, people would whisper about them. They would talk about how much they love each other. This only encouraged them to love each other even more.

Love's cruel and it won't be any fun if it's not so. Easy love is not love. Love is not love unless you're laid waste by it, unless you're destroyed by it, ripped apart and injured for life by it.

Love is a conscious decision to be destroyed. Love is being in a roller coaster without the seat belt, there will be highs and lows, you may be thrown out, trampled beneath the wheels, or thrown up to the heavens.

If you can do that, you can be in love. Otherwise try again, maybe...

There are stories that you read, there are stories that you write, then there's one that you live. Amazingly chaotic, beautiful dreadful. A paradox. A metaphor."

Yohaan, our 18-year-old son shut the book and smiled at me.

"It's a really good book mum." He said covering a yawn.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"You don't need to lie Yohaan. I know you are not romantic."

"Yeah. I'm not. But seriously its a very nice book."

"Thank you. I wanted you to read it before it hits the stores tomorrow."

Before he could speak, Spencer, our 16-year-old daughter interrupted him.

"Yo, don't you think the names sound familiar to you?" She asked looking at him. I gave Niall a knowing smile.

"Yes!" Coral, our 13-year-old daughter cheered, as she snuggled further into her father's chest. "Mams middle name is Claire and daddy's is James."

"Why didn't I notice that before?" Yohaan asked, looking confused.

"Because you are too stupid to understand Yo!" Spencer said.

"Don't be rude Spencer." Niall's voice echoed throughout the living room.

"Sorry." She mumbled making Coral laugh.

"Daddy what are you wearing today at the party?" Spencer asked out of nowhere. "I want to match." She continued.

"No, I'm matching with Daddy." Coral intervened.

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