Jealousy, Love, New Member.

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Niall's grip on my body was tight. I was trying not to squirm under him. The air in the room was hot or it was only me who felt that way. My stomach was in knots, the very reason I could not sleep. It's the third day since I've been getting up at this same time in the morning and puking my guts out. Slowly, I picked Niall's hand from my waist and placed it on the bed. I pushed the sheets away from my body and made a run for the bathroom.

Pushing the door open, I crouched down in front of the commode and vomited. I felt a soft hand grab ahold of my hair, holding them. I stopped once I felt my insides were calm. I sighed and sat on the floor, rubbing my temple.

Niall pulled me up and washed my face with the cool water running down the tap. He shut the cover of the commode and made me sit on it. He gestured me to wait and ran out of the bathroom. He came back quickly with the glass of water in his hand.

I grabbed it and drank almost immediately.

"This is the third day, isn't it?" He asked and crouched down. He wiped my face with a napkin and I nodded.

"Yeah, and I hate this."

"We'll go to the doctors today." He said sternly.

I shook my head.

"No, it's okay. I'll take some pills. It must be the stupid bug Yohaan had." I murmured.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. We will go." He said.

"It's okay Niall. I've gone through this while Yohaan." I said not realising what I spoke.

"Wait ..." He took a step back and mumbled.

"What date is it?" I asked frantically.

"The 24th." He answered.

I mentally calculated the dates and realised what was happening.

"I'm late ...."

"Tell me we are having a baby." He said excitedly.

I laughed.

"Shut up Niall. It could still be the bug."

"No, I'm going to the 24-hour chemist and getting 3 pregnancy tests. Then we will go to the doctors, alright?" He said.

"Okay Ni." I smiled. He kissed my forehead.

"I'm going to be a Dada again." He cheered.

"Not sure yet baby. Don't get excited, it could be a false alarm."

"Nope. You are pregnant." He pulled me up and we walked to the bed.

"Now sit." He slipped on a T-shirt. "I'll be back in 15 minutes Max." He kissed me one last time and dashed out of the house.

I turned to look at the wall clock, showing that it was 8 in the morning. I stood up and walked to Yohaan's room to wake him up. As I was about to turn the knob I heard babbling. I smiled and open the door just a little.

Yohaan was sitting in his crib with two toys. One was a lion and the other was a lioness. He hit both their heads together, making them fall and laughed. He picked up the lion and said, "Dada." Next, he picked up the lioness and cooed, "Mama." I grinned and walked up to him. His eyes averted from the toys and looked up at me. His smile widened and he clapped his hands.

"Mama up up." I chuckled at his active behaviour in the morning and picked him up.

"Good morning Yohaan, did you sleep well?" I asked as I pulled his T-shirt, which had risen, down.

He nodded. "Mama Dada kissy Yohaan in sleep." He smiled and his head fell on my shoulder.

"Oh now did we. What else did you dream of?" I asked as we walked towards the bathroom to freshen him up.

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