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"Alana, will you go to prom with me?" Derek asked in a hurry.

"What the hell?" Niall hissed.

I was shocked and my mind was blank. What am I supposed to say? I open my mouth and close it as no word would leave my voice box.

"I..uh..." I stammered.

"I know you don't have a date Alana and I would love to take you to prom with me," Derek said and gave me a heart weakening smile.

My hands were clammy now and I felt crowded in an empty place.

To think of it, I can agree to him. He is hot and I would get to flaunt him. Niall said that he'll be taking his crush to prom which will leave me single any which ways. What should I do? I guess...

"Well, when you put it that way... I guess, I will."

"What? You'll go to prom with him?" Niall yelled.

"What's wrong in that mate?" Derek smirked at Niall.

"You can't ho with him!" Niall exclaimed looking at me.

"Why?" I question.

"Because..." I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue.

"I don't want to go to prom alone. Derek is a friend and I don't see any problem in going with him." I reason.

What is his problem? Doesn't he want to see me happy? The thought of going alone to prom was really upsetting me. But now that Derek is asking me, I don't see anything wrong in it. He can't make decisions for me!

"Answer her Niall." Derek snickered.

Niall looked exasperated as he glanced around, running his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong Niall?" I whispered.

"Fucking nothing." He yelled and stormed out of the café.

"He's pissed." I gave Derek a firm nod as the words left his mouth.

"So prom?" He asked again.

I smiled. "Yes, I'll go to prom with you."


Niall's POV

I paced back and forth in Harry's room as Zayn and he sat on his bed staring at me.

"He ruined it. He ruined everything." I yelled.

"Niall, calm down," Harry said.

"How the hell am I supposed to calm down? He ruined my plan altogether."

"You can still propose to her after prom!" Zayn suggested.

"What if Derek tries something on her again?" I exclaim.

There are high chances of Derek being all sappy with her and taking her from under my wing. I can't let her slip away. God gave me countless chances yo have her but now, when I realised what I have to do, I can't let Derek get in the middle. I just cannot!

"We need to make a plan to stop them from being near each other," Harry said.

I sat on the bed, eager to plan something out.

"We can manage in school. But for that, you need to tell Louis and Liam about this situation." Zayn said.

"He is right. Once they know, we can keep them away from each other." Harry said.

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