Crying, Laughing, Cake faced birthday.

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Today is my baby boy's first birthday. Its been an eventful year with him. I don't have to handle one baby, but two. His father is no less. He loves annoying me by acting just like Yohaan.

Picking up my crying baby, I adjust him on my hip, just right.

"Ssh, Yo. Dada will be back soon." I cooed at the little boy in my arms. His red swollen eyes, looked at my face, between tears as I started making funny faces. His cries quietened down as his lips formed a line. I kissed his cheek.

"Does Yohaan miss dada?" I asked him as I walked towards the kitchen.

He nodded with pouty lips. I kissed them.

I pointed at the door.

"Dada will walk through that door in two minutes with lots of bags in his hand. Then mommy will kiss dada and you can annoy dada all you want okay?" I asked knowing he won't answer. I chuckled as I heard the jingle of keys and the door open.

"Look who's back." I cheered as Niall walked through the door, just like I said, with lots of bags.

I looked at Yohaan, who was trying to jump in my arms with his hands above his head, giving us a two-teeth grin. Niall placed the bags on the kitchen counter and walked to us, kissing my cheek.

"Baby boy was missing his dada," I said, placing a soft kiss on Yohaan's forehead.

"Oh, my boy." Niall cooed and took hold of him from me. Yohaan snuggled into Niall's neck and looked up at him. He thrust his left thumb into his mouth and sucked on it, while his right hand played with the buttons on the collar of his shirt.

"What does Yo want to do? Daddy's back."

Yohaan shook his head.

"Mu- Mum," Yohaan muttered opening his arms. Niall looked at me. I chuckled.

"I swear he was whining for you just minutes back."

I held Yohaan again as Niall pouted.

"It's not fair that he likes you more," Niall whined.

"I can't help it, Niall." I laughed.

"The next baby has to be a girl. I need a daddy's little girl running in and around this house!" He said.

"You need to calm down on that. We have years for that." I said and removed Yohaan's thumb from his mouth making him rub his nose in the crook of my neck.

Niall took a step ahead and kissed my cheek. "I know, but what's the harm in trying now." He grinned. I blushed. Even though I have a baby with him, when he makes such comments, it becomes difficult for me to control the blush.

"Niall, Yohaan is right here," I said, trying to fight back a smile.

"But he won't be in our room tonight." He whispered in my ear making a chill run down my spine.

"Okay, tonight," I mumbled.

"Yes." He cheered. "I'll go put these bags out. Half the decorations are done, I'll complete them. You should get him to have a nap now, don't want him crying at his own birthday party." he said and smiled.

I smile adoringly at my husband and nodded.


I have no idea why I agreed when Niall told me that we would have a Pirates theme on Yohaan's birthday. The worst part was that he wouldn't stand still when I was putting his clothes on. On top of that, he wouldn't stop pulling at the wig on his head. Yes, he was Jack Sparrow.

Holding him by his underarms, I put him on the floor and held his hand. Slowly, his little legs walked outside the door with me. Cheers were heard immediately.

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