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Sitting in the library, with my feet on the table and glasses perched on my nose as the story turned into an amazing situation was the best feeling ever. Though I am too shy to interact with people, they know not to ruin my library time. During this hour, I feel the best. I love it when I open an old book and the smell of the pages engulfs my nose, the page's crinkle and the story really pulls you in it. I've always had a thing for classics. Their words are always different and hold too deep a meaning.

"Psst." I heard so looked around. No one was around in particular so I got back to the book.

"Psst Psst." I got agitated and removed my feet from the table and sat straight. I turned around to see Niall hiding from the librarian, hiding in an aisle. As soon as he saw me noticing him, he waved his hands wildly, gesturing me to go to him.

I huffed and placed the book on the table, standing up. I took my phone with me and walked to him.

"What is it?" I asked irritated.

"Hi." He grinned wide.

"You came here to say hi?" I asked raising my eyebrows and placing my hands on my hips.

He scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly.

"No, I had some work."

"Work can be done later as well," I said folding my arms.

He huffed. "Fine, I'll just sit beside you until you finish the book."

"Okay." I grinned and shrugged my shoulders. He followed my lead and sat beside me.

As I was getting deep into the book, Niall started tapping on the table. I ignored it and got back to the book. But I could take it only to a limit.

"Would you stop doing that?" I hissed trying not to be loud.

"What?" He said giving me the 'I-don't-know-what-you-mean' look and tapped again. I whacked the book on his hand and he pulled it away scowling at me.

"That's what you get for getting into my free time."

"But I have work." He whined.

"Fuck fine what is it?"

"Not here. School is almost over so just let's leave now." He said.

I slumped my shoulders and nodded. I placed all my stuff in my bag and Niall took it from my hand.

Once we were outside school Niall opened the passenger door for me. I got inside and smiled at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he sat in and drove ahead.

"You'll see." He grinned.

"Please Niall."

"No Alana."


"So how are things with Derek?" He asked surprising me.

"Nothing. We haven't hung out since that day."

"Why is that?" He asked still not looking at me.

"Well, I've been busy with homework."

"But you hung out with me." He smiled.

"S-So what?" I said looking outside the window so that he couldn't see my heated cheeks.

"So nothing Alana. I was just pulling your leg." He chuckled.

I glanced at him and a shy smile appeared on my lips. In that moment, even though he was pulling my leg and making fun of me, my heart fluttered and all I wanted to say 'I love you'. I shook my head and looked ahead on the road.

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Where stories live. Discover now