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Rolling out of bed, I put on my flip flops and stretched, yawning loudly. I looked over Niall who was still sleeping on his stomach, eyes furrowed and a frown on his face. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked at me. A lazy smile crept up his lips.

"Morning." He said, his voice hoarse in this beautiful morning. I nodded and walked over to his bathroom. My spare toothbrush was kept on the top shelf of the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and stripped down my clothes, hopping into the shower. Once I was done, I wiped dry myself. Shit, I forgot clothes. I wrapped the towel around my tiny body and peeped from the door.

"Niall," I called out.

"Yeah." I heard him walking towards the bathroom.

"I forgot the clothes." I said and scratched my head as I saw him outside the door. He chuckled, walking away from me. He returned back minutes later with a pile of clothes in his hands. I took hold of them, flashing him a  smile before shutting the door.

I put on the skirt and the crop top he gave me, along with my undergarments and walked out. Niall saw me getting out so he smiled at me and went for a shower.

I brushed my hair and plaited it pushing it on one shoulder. I powdered my face and applied a small amount of eyeliner. I put on my flats and walked down the stairs.

I looked around the living room but it seemed empty so I went into the kitchen. Bobby stood near the stove, an apron on him, making pancakes.

"Morning Bobby."  I chimed and hopped on the counter chair.

"Morning Lana, slept well?" He greeted and asked.

"Like a baby." I smiled. "Those anti-snoring tablets are working wonders on Niall. I could finally sleep without being bombarded with his snores." I laughed.

Someone whacked my head making me jerk my head around.

"What the fuck!" I snapped.

"Language lady," Bobby warned.

"You should have thought about that before talking about me." Niall snapped back at me as he sat in the chair adjacent to mine.

"Whatever. It is a fact, you do snore."

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You don't."

"I do."

"Gotcha." I laughed.

"Whatever." He huffed.

"I missed this," Bobby said. "It's so good to see you two arguing in the morning."

"I can't help it, Niall is a pain in my beautiful backside," I said.

"Oh, you love me," Niall said making me stop chewing on the pancakes.


"Hey, Lana." Greg entered the kitchen and sat across me. Thank you so much big bro.

"Hey, Greg." I smiled.

"Won't you congratulate me?" He asked.

"Why would I ?" I asked.

"Because I asked Denise to marry me and she accepted my proposal." He said answering my question.

"Did you tell me that you were going to propose?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No." He said, lowly.

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Where stories live. Discover now