Worth it ! - Zarayn One Shot

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I don't understand why do I have to attend this house warming party. I was happy spray painting in the garage. But no, Mom had to come and force me to join her and Dad. I huffed and shut the drawer. I inspected the shirt mom had placed on my bed.

"This is not mine, Mom!" I yelled from my room.

I heard footsteps climb up the stairs and a few seconds later Safaa appeared at my door.

"Mom says, its Dads and she wants you to wear it." I huffed.

"I have my own clothes you know." I huffed making her giggle.

"She said, you'll say this. So she said nothing apparently looks formal."

"Whatever, are you coming?"

She pouted. "Naah, got lots of homework to do."

"What about Doniya and Walihya?" I inquired.

She shook her head.

"God, how am I supposed to survive there?" I groaned.

She laughed and went down back.

Trust me when I say I don't like socialising with relatives, I mean it. All they want to know is how much we score so that their kids can work hard for the stupid competition. They'll complement your clothes when internally they are super jealous. They'll say they are on a diet and hog every god damn dish available. Seriously, what is wrong with those people!!

Once I am done getting ready, I make my way to the living room. Dads sitting on the sofa talking on the phone. He eyes me up and down and smiles, making me roll my eyes. What? I'm not that bad at dressing up. Mom walks out of her room, fastening the bracelet on her hand.

"Whose place are we going to?" I ask once we sat in the car.

"Hussain's." Dad answers.

"And who are they?" I ask again.

"Remember the Qureshi's? Their elder daughter is married to Mr Hussains son." Mom answered.

"Oh, I don't remember. Whatever."

"C'mon Zayn, don't act like this." Mom said.

"Act like what? You know I don't like socialising with your friends."

"But they need to see you! People think something is wrong with you, that you don't attend these parties." She remarked.

I snorted.

"Oh please, nothing is going to come out of this," I said.

"Plus, there will be so many beautiful girls out there." Mom said.

"How does that even matter?" I asked but dad interrupted me by saying, "Zayn, are you gay?"

Mom hit dads shoulder making him laugh. "I'm certainly not gay!"

"Then why haven't you had a single girlfriend?"

"Because I want to wait for the right one. Jeez, the world doesn't have any place for good people only!!"

Dad halted outside a nice looking house. I got out and opened the door for mom. She smiled and linked her arm with mine, while Dad walked behind us.

As soon as we entered I saw familiar faces. Some lady came and embraced Mom.

"Oh, how are you, Trisha? Its been a long time since we saw each other!" The lady gushed.

I turned around to see Dad talking to an old man. I surely didn't want to join that conversation.

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