Daddy's girl !

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"She just walked past me like I was nothing!" Niall fumed pacing back and forth in our bedroom.

I sighed with a nod and stood up walking towards him.

I held his hand. "You need to give it time. She is growing up, and is a teenager. We knew this was going to happen."

His face was flushed in anger.

"If you would have been there, you wouldn't be telling me this. She walked pass me because of a guy!" He exclaimed.

I nodded helplessly.

"I'm sure it was bad or else you wouldn't be this upset with Spence."

"I-I can't. I'll be back in a while. Don't wait up." He said storming out of the room.

I sighed not stopping him. This is not the first fight he has had with Spencer. Yohaan keeps himself away from Niall, knowing if he did anything against Niall's wishes, he would have it! He confided in me about everything. But Spencer, she just turned sixteen and yes you guessed right, had a lot of guys behind her. It's obvious for girls to find guys attractive! But Niall's fatherly heart was not ready to accept that. With Yohaan, he understood. That time was hard when Yohaan told me he had kissed a girl the first time. I was fuming and crying that my baby boy was getting away from me. But with time I tried getting used to it. I don't blame Niall. Spencer is our first daughter. The thing is Spencer was out with some of her friends. Niall had gone to the grocery store to buy stuff, but on the way, he saw Spencer kissing a guy, who I think is Ryder her recent crush. He walked up to her with blaring eyes and pulled them apart. Spencer didn't like it and said a few words she shouldn't have and walked away. Spencer reached home first, Niall following 10 minutes after. He was a mess when he walked in. Spencer was in her room since then.

I sighed and walked outside my room.

"He just walked out!" Yohaan exclaimed.

"I know. This is really getting to him. Spencer was wrong!" I said irritated.

"It is her fault! Do you want me to talk to her?" Yohaan asked.

I shook my head. "No, I need to yell at her! That was not a way she should have spoken to her father." He nodded gingerly and made way. I walked up the stairs and didn't bother knocking on the door.

"What th-"

"Shut it!" I interrupted her.

She huffed and crossed her hands.

"Who was the guy?" I asked.


"Does he mean more than your father to you?" I asked loudly. I didn't want to be loud but she wasn't in a place to throw rude words at her father.

She rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Answer me, Spencer! Do you know how upset Niall is?"

"I don't care!" She said.

"You don't care?" My voice boomed.

"You told your father not to interfere in your life? He is the reason you are in this world!"

"Mom stop. You know how much I like Ryder." Her lips trembled.

I sighed and opened my arms. "Come here." Immediately, she hugged me. I soothed her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Spence, Dada loves you. He needs to protect you over any harm. You are his daughter, he wouldn't want to see you kissing any guy until you are thirty. That does not give you a reason to yell at him."

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