Bittersweet- Asiam One shot

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I felt worthless. All these years I had been nothing but faithful to Liam. I gave every inch of my body to the love of my life. Liam Payne. The cause of my misery right now.

When he first asked me out, I had said no. The reason being his rude attitude. No one would ever decline Liam Payne. He would never take no for an answer. He was a steel rod, never bending for anyone. But he did for me. He went completely out of his way to get a yes from me. Alana had told me that Liam could never me a romantic. But Liam proved me wrong when he decorated my whole house on my birthday and asked me to be his girlfriend, with my parent's consent.

Obviously, I said yes! It didn't take me long to realise that I was in love with him. I owe my love life to Niall and Alana. If it wasn't for them then I wouldn't have been able to see this side of Liam. I moulded the rough Liam into a smooth man who became lovable to everyone.

He made me feel beautiful. Out of nowhere, he would whisper 'You look beautiful' in my ear. I would blush and cover my face with my hands. He took me on countless dates and became a complete sap.

He made me fall in love with him by just crinkling his eyes and smiling. That's all it took for my knees to give way. He would run his fingers up and down my arm and kiss my neck when he was hanging out with friends.

We had become the 'Perfect Couple' in peoples eyes. Everyone found us as 'goals' but we were far from that. We had our differences. But at the end of the day, we would put forth our views and sort it out.

I loved loving him. People thought that I was dominating him. It was nothing like that. Liam was putty in my hands but I never took advantage of his weakness. He was just like that, wanting me to be dominating. He would say 'I like my girl dominating on me'. I would chuckle and swat his chest.

There were so many memories that I look back at. When he first told me he wanted to go to Australia, my conscience said no. But I knew I couldn't be selfish and stop him from doing what he wants to do. He too was scared to tell me about it in the first place thinking that I would flip. So I let him go. I let him go to an unknown place, away from home, away from me. It took a while to adjust. Out of habit, I would call him as soon as I woke up from sleep, only to realise that he is in the middle of his college lectures. It was tremendously hard to adjust without him being around. With Alana and Lily gone, I had Kate by my side for support. She being her usual self would make me laugh. Lily was the one to give me the idea of going to Australia and surprising Liam.

I was ecstatic about the thought. I begged my parents for their permission so that they would let me go. With a lot of persuasions, they agreed. Everything was perfectly planned. Through our Skype calls, I had managed to convince Liam that I would be busy for two to three day because of a college event. He told me it was no big deal and didn't bother.

The next day, I hopped on a plane and after countless hours of waiting, I reached Sydney. Once I was in the hotel, I texted Liam asking what he was doing. He said that he was in a club with his friends. Subtly, I asked him the name of the place. The doofus didn't even realise anything. I was smiling giddily, too eager to see my boyfriend, my love, my life. I had imagined this moment, where I would see him standing far away. He would be looking at me with a shocked expression and would run towards me. He would pick me up and swirl me mid-air and kiss me with all his heart. I had really expected that.

Anyways, I had dressed up appropriately and made my way to the club. Once I was inside I glanced around the place to see a familiar mop of brown hair in one corner of the club. Smiling in content, I made my way towards him. Pushing past people, I halted dead in my tracks to see a heart-shattering view.

Liam James Payne, my boyfriend, was pushed up against the wall, kissing a blonde with all his might. I stood there frozen. It was like the two of them and I were still and everyone around us was moving in fast forward. A typical movie scene. One drop after another, tears fell down my cheek as my heart thumped loudly in my ears. I still didn't move, my gaze was fixed on them. Once Liam pulled away, his eyes fell on me.

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