𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮

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It is the first day of school for their sophomore year. After a short winter break, they are now back in school obviously not ready to start their lessons just like any other students.

Wooyoung and Yeosang are classmates once again. Last year they were classmates with Jongho and Yunho but unfortunately it didn't remain the same this time.

At least they're still schoolmates along with the others.

Their first lesson was already boring. On the first day, they start it with Mathematics. Very much unfortunate for them.

Everyone opened up their textbook, notebook and took out their stationeries to note down whatever important things their teacher about to teach throughout the first class.

Nothing interesting really happened for the first sessions of classes. After maths, they had geography then Korean language. Time passed by slowly for them but the bell rang meaning it's recess time.

Students walked out of their respective classes and head to the cafeteria, taking the trays and lining up at the counters where foods will be served to them by the school cooks.

After getting their foods served the 7 boys sat down at a table together and ate while chit chatting.

"How was everyone's class?" asked Hongjoong which made some of them let out a sigh from their mouth.

"Ours class was fine since it was just Science then Home economics and our teacher didn't really went very deep with the topics" says Mingi getting a nod in agreement from Seonghwa and Jongho who are his classmates.

"Cool, we only had Arts and Social studies just now" Yunho who is Hongjoong's classmate, said.

Everyone basically had a smile in satisfaction with their classes instead of Wooyoung and Yeosang. Which made the 5 others noticed.

"Did you guys started your day with boring classes...?" Seonghwa asked softly probably knowing the answer by now.

"Pfft it wasn't just 1 lesson that was boring, we had three lessons straight and it was all boring" Wooyoung huffed, stuffing more foods into his mouth.

"We started with Maths, then Geography and then Korean language. Quite unfortunate for us" Yeosang continued.

"Maths aren't boring though.." Mingi spoke up with an offended expression. Mainly because he was good at it and found it easy, that's why he was able to enjoy it.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE GOOD IN IT, OF COURSE YOU COULD SAY THAT" grumbled Wooyoung as Seonghwa rubbed his back in attempt to calm him down while Mingi was left stoned.

Jongho squinted his eyes a little thinking something. Wooyoung won't really yell in annoyance instead he would just scoff and roll his eyes. Getting a most likely answer to his anger made Jongho took a guess.

"Hold on, you never yell in anger unless someone tests your patience.. Let me guess, you guys got a maths homework on your first day, that's why you're annoyed?"

Before Wooyoung could say anything Yeosang spoke up first.

"Yeah and it basically made this boy here annoyed"

The others laughed at their misfortune. Yeosang didn't mind but Wooyoung still had the sourness plastered on his face clearly unsatisfied and hates his maths teacher for making him suffer with homeworks from such a tough subject.

They continued eating till the tray was clear and the bell then rang meaning its back to class time.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Few more hours passed by and the final bell of the day finally rang. Students were all dismissed from class. Some head to their lockers first to grab some things while some just walked out of the school compound to go home or to hang out at the Internet café first.

As for the boys, they all waited for one another at the school gate since some was dismissed later and earlier.

Seonghwa, Mingi and Jongho who were dismissed 5 minutes earlier before class ended waited at the school gate while playing their phones. Checking if there were any messages from their parents and informing them thag they're not heading home straight away.

Then the 5 others came shortly.

"So, Internet cafe or just the normal one?" asked Yunho.

"Let's just go to the normal café, i have loads of homeworks that I need to settle" Wooyoung answered with a groan.

As much as he is a rebel he still finishes his works first before playing.

The rest agreed since they too had homeworks given.

The 7 boys walked together to a café nearby their school and helped one another with the works then head home after finishing up most of it.

Their first day as sophomores ended.



End of Chapter 2.


Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now