𝘼𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮

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It's Friday, the fifth day of vacation.

Tonight the boys planned to use the fireplace and burn some marshmallows while they all sat around the pit.

It was the night they've all been waiting for. Every year when they go for a camping trip during summer and there's a fireplace, as usual they'll sit around together and they'll play one game.

The honest game.

Rather than truth or dare, it's a game where you only tell the truth. It's a way for them to tell how they feel about something. If one is disappointed in another's attitude, they'll tell the truth and reconcile. They didn't want any hatred or grudge being held in this friendship so the boys created this game.

So far, no hard feelings or fights happened whenever they play the game.

And they all hope it'll stay that way.

It is tiring to fight with your own friend, can't deny it.

During the day everyone did their own things. Some played in the pool, went to the beach, head to the park and took some pictures, etc. Some even decided to sleep in since their group event will take place at night rather than the day like the previous ones.

Plus, everyone was still kinda burnt out from playing yesterday especially from running around and the non stop screamings.


Jongho was in his shared room, alone with his guitar. Strumming random melodies that appeared in his mind, not knowing what he's actually doing. Just strumming and strumming, thinking some good songs to play during the firecamp later.

He was so focused on his guitar and thought that he didn't realised Yunho entered the room.

The tall male opened the door slowly, seeing Jongho in a half lying position with the guitar in his hands playing random notes but sounded so good.

Yunho entered the room, closing the door behind and walking towards the younger, shaking him slightly.

Jongho snapped out from his thoughts and saw Yunho looking at him with his hand on his shoulder.

"Ah! It's you, what's up?" Jongho asked, changing his position to sitting crossed legs now and setting his guitar aside. Yunho sat down in front of him slowly.

"What were you thinking about just now? And what song were you strumming just now? It sounded so nice" Yunho asked then complimented the other.

"Thanks, I was just thinking about what song should I play later at the firecamp and, to be honest I have no ideas what those notes were. It just came to my head" Jongho answered making Yunho nodded.

"Yah, aren't you I don't know... hurt?" Yunho suddenly asked Jongho making the younger tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean?" the younger asked.

Yunho sighed. Geez this boy is fast at actions but slow when it comes to these types of questions.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now