𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩

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"Why must this happen... Why is he treating me like a piece of shit? Am I invisible or something... He forget me for someone else!" Yeosang cried out in Seonghwa's chest.

Everyone felt bad for Yeosang. This isn't just any foolish jokes Wooyoung usually do to him. It wasn't a joke in fact.

Everything that's going on is real. Wooyoung is neglecting Yeosang for someone else. He thinks it's nothing much because he doesn't know how Yeosang feels towards him. Making the boy feel like he's not making a mistake to his old friend.

Yeosang continued crying.

He's in pain.

He's tired.

He's at the verge of giving up.

Giving up on wanting to confess and continuing to love and care for Wooyoung.

Seonghwa continued to rub his back. Trying to calm him down before he starts to hyperventilate.

"Calm down Yeosang, calm down..." Seonghwa said pulling away from Yeosang and holding him at arm length.

"Look at me... Okay, now deep breath in... and out... Again, deep breath in and out..." Seonghwa coached Yeosang to control his breathing, calming him down as Yeosang followed his coaching.

"I know, we know how you feel. We all know except them. From now on, whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, come to any of us alright? We're all prepared to hear you and help you out. That is our promise but, we can't promise you that we can make Wooyoung to have the same feelings as you do towards him... If he were to reject you, just know that rejections are common. You'll experience heartbreak but you can stand up again and find someone who is much more worthy and perfect for you. Understand?" Seonghwa explained.

It was hard for Yeosang to accept his fate of most likely being rejected and see Wooyoung with San together as a couple in the future if he does likes the other. Even if he doesn't, it'll still hurt Yeosang knowing that it isn't him who is getting babied by Wooyoung.

However, even though it hurts to accept what Seonghwa said, Yeosang needed to face the reality and stop living in his dreams. This world is cruel after all, he needed to be strong to face whatever he's going to face.

Even if it means him falling into the black hole of heartbreak.

Yeosang nodded at Seonghwa's words.

Suddenly he felt a tissue that was held by someone, wiping his cheeks that was wet with his tears just now. The boy looked up to see Yunho wiping his wet cheeks with a soft smile.

"We're here for you Yeosang-ah~ If you cry, we'll be here to comfort and wipe your tears!" the tall boy said with a cheerful tone trying to lighten up the mood a little which caused Yeosang to let out a soft giggle.

"Thanks guys... what would've happened if you guys didn't came here.." says the boy.

"Don't thank us, thank Jongho. He's the reason why we're here or else we would just be in our rooms preparing to go to the beach" Hongjoong answered.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now