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It was D-day for them to do their science presentation. Those who did PowerPoint was allowed to bring their laptop to school only on that day during the lesson.

Just like any students, they were all nervous. Although it was just an oral assessment, the thought of having to speak in front of the whole class just doesn't stick with them despite having tons of experience on doing presentations.

They all prayed to not screw their presentations up. No technical difficulties or anything that could possibly make the class wait and drag the time.

Yeosang and Taehyun decided to just make their presentation on a large piece of paper and write the informations on it then decorating it with doodles and fun coloured pens. Creativity counted for extra points too so the two put their all into completing it during the weekend.

Meanwhile Wooyoung and San did a PowerPoint using San's laptop. The two didn't want to use their energy on writing, so they used the technology instead.

Everyone sat down with their partners while waiting for their Science teacher to enter the class with the projector.

Taking slow breaths, trying to calm themselves down. Some were revising back what they're supposed to say and what points they should say during their presentation later.

Minutes later, the teacher finally entered. The class greeted him and same goes to the teacher.

"Okay... So I hope all of you have completed the task I gave you and hopefully we'll have a smooth time with all the presentations. Not all of you will be able to present today so the leftovers, you will present on our next class on Friday alright? Now, who would like to go first?" asked the teacher.


Very much expected. No students are brave to start off first.

Everyone gave glares to each other, signaling to go to the front and start it first.

The teacher sighed. Even sophomores are too scared to go up to the front and present.

"Taehyun, you start with your partner first." He called out.

Taehyun gulped. Never did he thought his name would come out from the teachers mouth. Never did he wished for the teacher to even know his name.

The poor boy stood up along with Yeosang, taking their paper to the front together and pasting it by the whiteboard using the plasticine the teacher prepared.

Both of them turned to the front and greeted the class together.

They were nervous, you could see it in their eyes however Yeosang and Taehyun slayed the presentation.

There were no long pauses while they were presenting. Points kept coming out from their mouth along with additional information.

It was a good starter making the teacher satisfied and the others pressured. How could they top that off, they wonder.

Names kept on being called and so far all of them did very well. Applauds were given whenever a pair finished presenting.

"Alright... next, San" called out the teacher.

San stood up with his laptop in his hands and walked up to the front followed by Wooyoung behind him.

The elder set his laptop down and tried to connect it with the projector but to their luck, it wasn't working somehow.

San was a tiny but frustrated about it not wanting to connect but kept his calm and tried again and again although he wanted to litterally throw his laptop for being an idiot at such times.

He felt guilty. He was making everyone wait. The teacher especially.

Wooyoung noticed San was struggling and walked next to him and asked.

"Is everything okay?"

San let out a sigh and shook his head, still trying his best to connect the computer to the projector.

"It's refusing to connect"

Wooyoung put his hands around San and took control over the mouse while San who was under his right arm was blushing at the gesture.

Why didn't Wooyoung just told him to move away to the side instead he did this gesture?

San's heart was beating.

Throughout his whole time hanging out with Wooyoung, this was the first time his heart beat so quickly and his cheeks were heated up.

The whole class awed at the sight. Seeing it as a cute thing.

However, one person wasn't getting the same energy as his classmates.

Take a guess on who it is.


He had a clear view of those two as he was sitting in the middle line.

Another crack was formed in his heart. A small one but still.

When it's love,

The tiniest crack in the heart could end up cracking the whole heart.

Jealous was an understatement.

Yeosang was enraged.

Why is it San that's in that position and not him?

Is he not worthy for Wooyoung's love and heart?

No, he thought.

Yeosang is worthy for Wooyoung's love and heart.

He deserved Wooyoung's affection.


Does Wooyoung think Yeosang's worthy for it?


End of chapter 9.


-Another update!! 💕
Did you watched ateez comeback showcase just now?? They called mingi <//3
omg i missed him so so much, hearing his voice made me tear up knowing it wasn't pre recorded but it was live. they actually called him rather than having a video 😭
anyways,, keep on streaming Fireworks on YouTube!! 💕 let's get our boys the first mv for 100M ^^

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now