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on this day, 30th November 2021, this book has officially reached 10k reads

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on this day, 30th November 2021, this book has officially reached 10k reads.

my first story that i wrote childlishly, not really expecting much outcome of it have become one of the books many is reading right now.

i am taken back at the results i am seeing today from this story. the results that you, my dear readers gave. thank you so much to all of you who has read or is reading this story now. you guys made it possible for me to get 10k reads and let this story be known. it was all because of you guys. the votes you gave, the comments you wrote to express your feelings in each chapter was what made this book came this far and i am very thankful of you.

starting this story with not having much followers was a bit of a struggle to get reads which continuously made me felt a bit down and hopeless everytime i upload a new chapter but then i thought again, of course not much people will read this story. i barely have any followers or even a single friend on this platform.

then i kept writing. just uploading chapters daily with good uses of words and much research, hoping for an outcome. and now here i am with my first story that i can proudly say, a success.

i shall always be thankful and grateful to each one of you. your supports are the only thing that keeps me going.

thank you, readers. 💛

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