𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣

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After a tiring day yesterday, the boys woke up slowly from their long sleep.

Everyone was welcomed by the bright light shined by the sun that entered into their rooms through the windows. It took all of them a few moments to adjust their eyes to the sunlight.

One by one, got up and head to the bathroom to wash their face and brush their teeth before eating breakfast.

Seonghwa who woke up and got ready earlier was downstairs in the kitchen, preparing scrambled eggs, sausages and toasts as breakfast for everyone including him.

Not long after while Seonghwa was frying the sausages, Jongho came down all fresh in new clothes heading towards the kitchen, smelling the delicious smell of eggs and sausages.

"Oooh~ You're making big breakfast?" Jongho asked, peeking from afar.

"Mmhm~ Hopefully you guys will be filled till noon. It's only 10.15 now" replied Seonghwa.

The younger was about to grab a glass near the sink only to be questioned by Seonghwa.

"How was rooming with San? Did you guys sang together while you played the guitar?"

Jongho stayed quiet for a bit. How is he going to break it to Seonghwa that Wooyoung asked him to switch? Seonghwa doesn't like anyone switching roomates even if they're on bad terms. To him, it was a way to get along with the person you're supposed to be roomates with.

Should he lie? Should he make up an excuse? Should he tell the truth?

He was silent to the point he didn't realise that he was staring at the floor like an insane person with an empty glass in its hands which made Seonghwa worry.

The elder turned off the fire and shook Jongho lightly enough to make him snap back to reality.

"Hey? What's wrong? Did you do something wrong?" asked the elder.

Jongho took a quick moment to contemplate whether he should tell the truth or lie.

Once he had the answer, the boy took a deep breath and looked at Seonghwa straight into his eyes.

"Please don't be mad when I tell you this" Jongho said softly.

Seonghwa was confused. Why is this dude talking so softly and telling him not to get mad but since he was curious, Seonghwa nodded. Allowing the younger to tell him whatever that happened.

"Wooyoung asked me to switch rooms with me. Meaning he's rooming with San while I'm with Yeosang now.. I know you might be mad because I agreed to it but, I didn't even had the chance to say no or give an answer and Wooyoung just picked my bag then told me to go to my 'new room' " Jongho explained.

Seonghwa was taken aback at this report. Was Wooyoung uncomfortable with Yeosang he wondered. It's not like the two had never been put in a room together, but why is he suddenly despising his childhood friend?

The male took a deep breath, trying to keep his anger in.

"Did Wooyoung tell you the reason he wanted to change?" the elder asked again.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now