Question and answer!

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hello everyone! its me author-nim! ^^

first of all i would like to thank all of my beloved readers of this story!

waking up to see notifications of you voting and commenting your predictions, gut feelings and expressions towards each chapter really gives me energy to continue my day and writing!

my amount of readers may not be much unlike other authors who creates wonderful ateez fanfics but i am really grateful for the supports all of you have been giving me. i used to be down seeing nobody reading my stories and all. i prayed everytime i publish a new chapter that it'll be a hit and now my prayers has been answered. my wishes are granted. and that is all because of you, my dearest readers who i love the most.

once again, thank you for everything ^^

now, let's get to the main reason of me making this update!

as the title says "Question and answer", i am opening a session of QnA where you can ask as much questions you wanna ask about this story!

anything that you're curious about, just type it down in the comments and I'll be answering it! ^^

or even questions about myself, go ahead! this update is open for any types of questions you have for me or the story.

why am I making this session?

well, because i know for a fact everyone is all so broke from the continuous sad chapters soo why not take a break from sadness for a bit and get your curiosities an answer from me, the head of this hurtful story hehet!

soo yeah! i guess that's it! go ahead, drop your questions below~ I'll stop accepting any once this story has come to an end :)



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